diff --git a/FallSimulation.cbp b/FallSimulation.cbp
deleted file mode 100644
index a3872d7..0000000
--- a/FallSimulation.cbp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/FallSimulation.cpp b/FallSimulation.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d148f7..0000000
--- a/FallSimulation.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-#include "lib\\Consts.h"
-#include "lib\\ElemFunctions.h"
-#include "lib\\ModesFunctions.h"
-using namespace std;
-int main()
- txCreateWindow(1300, 600);
- block = txLoadImage("pictures\\block.bmp");
- quest = txLoadImage("pictures\\question.bmp");
- water = txLoadImage("pictures\\water.bmp");
- fire = txLoadImage("pictures\\fire.bmp");
- middleX = txGetExtentX() / 2;
- middleY = txGetExtentY() / 2;
- extentX = txGetExtentX();
- extentY = txGetExtentY();
- background(TX_WHITE);
- txSleep(50);
- txBegin();
- txSleep(1000);
- txSetColor(MY_LIGHTBLUE, 2);
- txSetFillColor(TX_WHITE);
- txRectangle(0, 0, extentX, extentY);
- txSetColor(MY_LIGHTBLUE, 2);
- txSetFillColor(MY_LIGHTBLUE);
- txRectangle(0, 0, extentX, 50);
- txSetColor(TX_BLACK, 3);
- txSetFillColor(TX_WHITE);
- txDrawText(0, 0, extentX, 50, "Конструктор уровней игры FallSimulation");
- drawMenu();
- if (lvlCreatingIsStarted) {
- mainFunc();
- }
- else if (gameIsStarted) {
- playGame(gettedMapParts);
- }
- txEnd();
- txDeleteDC(block);
- txDeleteDC(quest);
- txDeleteDC(water);
- txDeleteDC(fire);
- txDeleteDC(light_stone);
- txDeleteDC(dark_stone);
- txDeleteDC(vdark_stone);
- txDisableAutoPause();
diff --git a/FallSimulation.exe b/FallSimulation.exe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b79e14
Binary files /dev/null and b/FallSimulation.exe differ
diff --git a/lib/ModesFunctions.h.save b/lib/ModesFunctions.h.save
deleted file mode 100644
index b853fdc..0000000
--- a/lib/ModesFunctions.h.save
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,496 +0,0 @@
-#include "Consts.h"
-#include "Button.h"
-#include "MapPart.h"
-#include "ElemFunctions.h"
-#pragma once
-//This library containing game mode functions
-void drawMenu();
-void background(COLORREF color);
-void loadingAnimation(int delay, int speed);
-void mainFunc();
-void playGame(MapPart gettedMapParts[]);
-void drawMenu()
- //button "Start" (to start level creating)
- Button buttonStart = {
- {
- middleX - 100, extentY / 3 - 50,
- middleX + 100, extentY / 3 + 50
- }, "Start"
- };
- //button "Exit"
- Button buttonExit = {
- {
- middleX - 100, extentY / 2 - 50,
- middleX + 100, extentY / 2 + 50
- }, "Exit"
- };
- //button "Help"
- Button buttonHelp = {
- {
- extentX - 100, 0,
- extentX , 50
- }, "? Help"
- };
- //button "Play" (to play on created level)
- Button buttonPlay = {
- {
- extentX - 100, extentY - 60,
- extentX, extentY
- }, "Play"
- };
- txSetColor(TX_BLACK, 3);
- txSetFillColor(TX_WHITE);
- drawButton(buttonStart);
- drawButton(buttonExit);
- drawButton(buttonPlay);
- txSetColor(TX_BLACK, 3);
- txSetFillColor(TX_TRANSPARENT);
- drawButton(buttonHelp);
- txSleep(50);
- while (!GetAsyncKeyState('Q') && !GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE)) {
- if (!lvlCreatingIsStarted && !gameIsStarted) {
- if (In(txMousePos(), buttonStart.coords) && txMouseButtons() & 1) {
- while (txMouseButtons() & 1) {
- txSleep(10);
- }
- loadingAnimation(2, 7);
- txSleep(50);
- lvlCreatingIsStarted = true;
- }
- if (In(txMousePos(), buttonExit.coords) && txMouseButtons() & 1) {
- while (txMouseButtons() & 1) {
- txSleep(10);
- }
- break;
- }
- if (In(txMousePos(), buttonHelp.coords)) {
- txSetColor(TX_BLACK);
- txDrawText(buttonHelp.coords.left - 130,
- buttonHelp.coords.bottom + 10,
- txGetExtentX() - 10,
- buttonHelp.coords.bottom + 100,
- "This hyperlink will be\nopen in browser");
- }
- else {
- txSetColor(TX_WHITE);
- txSetFillColor(TX_WHITE);
- txRectangle(buttonHelp.coords.left - 130,
- buttonHelp.coords.bottom + 10,
- txGetExtentX() - 10,
- buttonHelp.coords.bottom + 100);
- }
- if (In(txMousePos(), buttonHelp.coords) && txMouseButtons() & 1) {
- while(txMouseButtons() & 1) {
- txSleep(10);
- }
- system("start help\\index.html");
- }
- if (In(txMousePos(), buttonPlay.coords) && txMouseButtons() & 1) {
- int arrElem = readFile("level1.fslvl", gettedMapParts);
- gameIsStarted = true;
- }
- }
- if (lvlCreatingIsStarted || gameIsStarted) {
- break;
- }
- txSleep(10);
- }
-void background(COLORREF color)
- txSetFillColor(color);
- txClear();
-void loadingAnimation(int delay, int speed)
- background(TX_WHITE);
- for (int circle_radius = 0;
- circle_radius * circle_radius < extentX * extentX + extentY * extentY;
- circle_radius += speed) {
- background(TX_WHITE);
- txSetColor(TX_BLACK, 2);
- txSetFillColor(TX_BLACK);
- txCircle(0, 0, circle_radius);
- txSleep(delay);
- }
- background(TX_WHITE);
-void mainFunc()
- int selectedPict = -1;
- const int BLOCK_SIZE = 120;
- RECT blockBut = {
- extentX - BLOCK_SIZE, 0, extentX, BLOCK_SIZE
- };
- RECT questBut = {
- extentX - BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE, extentX, 2 * BLOCK_SIZE
- };
- RECT waterBut = {
- extentX - BLOCK_SIZE, 2 * BLOCK_SIZE, extentX, 3 * BLOCK_SIZE
- };
- RECT fireBut = {
- extentX - BLOCK_SIZE, 3* BLOCK_SIZE, extentX, 4 * BLOCK_SIZE
- };
- RECT doneBut = {
- extentX - 120, extentY - 120, extentX, extentY
- };
- MapPart mapParts[MAP_LENGHT + 1];
- txSetColor(TX_BLACK, 3);
- txSetFillColor(TX_WHITE);
- Button completeButton = {doneBut, "\n\nSave\n\nFile"};
- for (int elem = 0; elem < MAP_LENGHT; elem++) {
- mapParts[elem].visible = false;
- }
- bool clickedBlock = false;
- bool clickedQuest = false;
- bool clickedWater = false;
- bool clickedFire = false;
- while (!GetAsyncKeyState('Q') || !GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE)) {
- background(TX_WHITE);
- Win32::TransparentBlt(txDC(), blockBut.left, blockBut.top, 120, 120, block,
- 0, 0, 60, 60, -1);
- Win32::TransparentBlt(txDC(), questBut.left, questBut.top, 120, 120, quest,
- 0, 0, 60, 60, -1);
- Win32::TransparentBlt(txDC(), waterBut.left, waterBut.top, 120, 120, water,
- 0, 0, 60, 60, -1);
- Win32::TransparentBlt(txDC(), fireBut.left, fireBut.top, 120, 120, fire,
- 0, 0, 60, 60, -1);
- drawButton(completeButton);
- for (int elem = 0; elem < MAP_LENGHT; elem++) {
- mapParts[elem].coords.left = round((mapParts[elem].coords.left + 30) / 60) * 60;
- mapParts[elem].coords.top = round((mapParts[elem].coords.top + 30) / 60) * 60;
- if (mapParts[elem].visible) {
- txBitBlt(txDC(),
- mapParts[elem].coords.left,
- mapParts[elem].coords.top,
- 60, 60,
- mapParts[elem].picture
- );
- }
- }
- //blocks
- clickedBlock = addingBlock(clickedBlock, blockBut, block, BLOCK_TYPE, &arrElem, mapParts);
- clickedQuest = addingBlock(clickedQuest, questBut, quest, QUEST_TYPE, &arrElem, mapParts);
- clickedWater = addingBlock(clickedWater, waterBut, water, WATER_TYPE, &arrElem, mapParts);
- clickedFire = addingBlock(clickedFire, fireBut, fire, FIRE_TYPE, &arrElem, mapParts);
- //checking
- if (clickedBlock)
- {
- clickedQuest = false;
- clickedWater = false;
- clickedFire = false;
- }
- else if (clickedQuest)
- {
- clickedWater = false;
- clickedFire = false;
- }
- else if (clickedWater)
- {
- clickedFire = false;
- }
- //selecting block
- for (int i = 0; i < arrElem; i++) {
- if (selectedPict < 0 &&
- In(txMousePos(), mapParts[i].coords) && txMouseButtons() & 1 &&
- !(clickedBlock || clickedQuest || clickedWater || clickedFire)) {
- selectedPict = i;
- }
- }
- //deleting picture
- for (int i = 0; i < arrElem; i++) {
- if (selectedPict < 0 &&
- In(txMousePos(), mapParts[i].coords) && txMouseButtons() & 2 &&
- !(clickedBlock || clickedQuest || clickedWater || clickedFire)) {
- selectedPict = i;
- mapParts[selectedPict] = mapParts[arrElem - 1];
- mapParts[arrElem - 1].visible = false;
- arrElem--;
- selectedPict = -1;
- }
- }
- //moving picture
- if (selectedPict >= 0 && txMouseButtons() & 1) {
- txBitBlt(txDC(),
- txMouseX() - 30, txMouseY() - 30,
- 60, 60, mapParts[selectedPict].picture);
- }
- if (selectedPict >= 0 && !(txMouseButtons() & 1)) {
- RECT elRectCoords = {
- (round((txMouseX() - 30) / 60) * 60),
- (round((txMouseY() - 30) / 60) * 60),
- (round((txMouseX() + 30) / 60) * 60),
- (round((txMouseY() + 30) / 60) * 60)
- };
- mapParts[selectedPict].coords = elRectCoords;
- checkElem(mapParts);
- selectedPict = -1;
- }
- //button to complete LevelCreating
- if (In(txMousePos(), doneBut) && txMouseButtons() & 1) {
- while (txMouseButtons() & 1) {
- txSleep(10);
- }
- ofstream lvlfile;
- lvlfile.open("level1.fslvl");
- for (int elem = 0; elem < arrElem; elem++) {
- if (mapParts[elem].visible) {
- switch(mapParts[elem].blocktype)
- {
- case BLOCK_TYPE:
- lvlfile << "Block,";
- break;
- case QUEST_TYPE:
- lvlfile << "Quest,";
- break;
- case WATER_TYPE:
- lvlfile << "Water,";
- break;
- case FIRE_TYPE:
- lvlfile << "Fire,";
- break;
- default:
- lvlfile << "Null,";
- break;
- }
- mapParts[elem].coords.left =
- round((mapParts[elem].coords.left + 30) / 60) * 60;
- mapParts[elem].coords.top =
- round((mapParts[elem].coords.top + 30) / 60) * 60;
- mapParts[elem].coords.right =
- round((mapParts[elem].coords.right + 30) / 60) * 60;
- mapParts[elem].coords.bottom =
- round((mapParts[elem].coords.bottom + 30) / 60) * 60;
- lvlfile << mapParts[elem].coords.left;
- lvlfile << ",";
- lvlfile << mapParts[elem].coords.top;
- lvlfile << ",";
- lvlfile << mapParts[elem].coords.right;
- lvlfile << ",";
- lvlfile << mapParts[elem].coords.bottom;
- lvlfile << "\n";
- lvlfile << "";
- }
- }
- txMessageBox("Level File created!", "Information");
- }
- txSleep(10);
- if (GetAsyncKeyState('Q') || GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE)) {
- break;
- }
- }
-void playGame(MapPart gettedMapParts[])
- int minX = gettedMapParts[0].coords.left;
- int iMin = 0;
- bool isGameOver = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < arrElem; i++) {
- if (gettedMapParts[i].coords.left < minX)
- {
- minX = gettedMapParts[i].coords.left;
- iMin = i;
- }
- }
- int player_x = gettedMapParts[iMin].coords.left;
- int player_y = gettedMapParts[iMin].coords.top - (PLAYER_SIZE + 5);
- int player_speed = PLAYER_SIZE;
- while (!GetAsyncKeyState('Q') && !GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE)) {
- background(TX_WHITE);
- txSetColor(MY_RED, 3);
- txSetFillColor(MY_RED);
- txRectangle(player_x,
- player_y,
- player_x + PLAYER_SIZE,
- player_y + PLAYER_SIZE);
- for (int i = 0; i < MAP_LENGHT; i++) {
- if (gettedMapParts[i].visible) {
- txBitBlt(txDC(),
- gettedMapParts[i].coords.left,
- gettedMapParts[i].coords.top,
- 60, 60,
- gettedMapParts[i].picture
- );
- }
- }
- int old_y = player_y;
- for (int i = 0; i < MAP_LENGHT; i++) {
- if (gettedMapParts[i].visible) {
- if (player_y <= gettedMapParts[i].coords.top &&
- (player_y + PLAYER_SIZE) >= gettedMapParts[i].coords.top &&
- player_x < gettedMapParts[i].coords.right &&
- player_x + PLAYER_SIZE > gettedMapParts[i].coords.left) {
- switch (gettedMapParts[i].blocktype)
- {
- default:
- player_y -= player_speed;
- case BLOCK_TYPE:
- player_y -= player_speed;
- break;
- case QUEST_TYPE:
- player_y -= player_speed;
- break;
- case WATER_TYPE:
- player_y -= player_speed;
- txMessageBox("You lose...", "Game over");
- isGameOver = true;
- break;
- case FIRE_TYPE:
- player_y -= player_speed;
- txMessageBox("You lose...", "Game over");
- isGameOver = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (old_y == player_y) {
- player_y += player_speed;
- }
- if (GetAsyncKeyState('W') || GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP)) {
- player_y -= 2 * player_speed;
- }
- if (GetAsyncKeyState('A') || GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT)) {
- player_x -= player_speed;
- }
- if (GetAsyncKeyState('S') || GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DOWN)) {
- player_y += player_speed;
- }
- if (GetAsyncKeyState('D') || GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RIGHT)) {
- player_x += player_speed;
- }
- if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SPACE)) {
- player_y -= 5 * player_speed;
- }
- if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_OEM_PLUS)) {
- player_speed += BLOCK_SIZE / 10;
- }
- if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_OEM_MINUS)) {
- player_speed -= BLOCK_SIZE / 10;
- }
- if (
- if (player_x > txGetExtentX()) {
- txMessageBox("You win!", "Winner");
- break;
- }
- if (isGameOver) {
- break;
- }
- txSleep(50);
- }