#!/usr/bin/env bash debug=1 watching=1 links=() success=0 error=0 # ------- # Helpers getcb () { xclip -selection clipboard -o } sigint () { echo if [[ $watching == 1 ]]; then watching=0 else echo 'Ctrl+C was pressed' echo 'Exit' exit 0 fi } ytlink () { echo -n "$1" | \ sed -E 's#^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]+/watch\?v=|(yt\.be|youtu\.be)/)([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)|.+#\3#' } safename () { safe="${1//[^A-Za-z0-9А-Яа-я ().,_-]/}" echo "${safe// /_}" | sed -E 's/_+/_/' } bold () { echo -e "\033[1m$1\033[0m" } # ------------------------ # yt-dlp and piped api wrappers dlwith_piped () { bold 'Enter Piped API instance URL' bold '(ytapi.dc09.ru is used by default)' read -r pipedurl pipedurl="${pipedurl:-ytapi.dc09.ru}" pipedurl=$(echo "$pipedurl" | sed -E 's#https?://##') bold 'Choose the type of stream: 1.audio or 2.video' read -r stream_num if [[ $stream_num == 1 ]]; then stream='audio' maxby='.bitrate' else stream='video' maxby='.width*.height' fi jqexpr=".${stream}Streams|map(select(.videoOnly==false))|max_by(${maxby})" echo bold 'Here is an expression for JQ utility' echo 'Correct it or just press Enter' read -e -r -i "$jqexpr" newexpr jqexpr="${newexpr:-$jqexpr}" echo bold 'Started' echo for link in "${links[@]}"; do echo "Parsing link" video_id=$(ytlink "$link") if [[ $video_id == "" ]]; then echo 'Unable to parse YT video ID, skipping' continue fi echo "Found YT video ID: $video_id" echo "Requesting URL for $link" video_obj=$(curl -sL "https://$pipedurl/streams/$video_id") stream_obj=$(echo "$video_obj" | jq "$jqexpr") stream_url=$(echo "$stream_obj" | jq ".url" | sed s/^\"// | sed s/\"$//) stream_mime=$(echo "$stream_obj" | jq ".mimeType") case "$stream_mime" in "\"audio/mp4\"") ext='m4a' ;; "\"audio/webm\"") ext='webm' ;; "\"video/mp4\"") ext='mp4' ;; "\"video/webm\"") ext='webm' ;; *) ext='mp4' ;; esac video_title=$(echo "$video_obj" | jq ".title") video_file="./files/$(safename "$video_title").${ext}" echo "Filename: $video_file" if [[ $debug == 1 ]] then continue fi echo "Downloading with wget" if wget -O "$video_file" "$stream_url" then bold "OK" success=$(( success + 1 )) else bold "Error" error=$(( error + 1 )) fi echo done } dlwith_ytdlp () { bold 'Enter the format to download:' echo 'Use "b" without quotes for video and audio' echo ' "bv" to download only video' echo ' "ba" to download only audio' echo 'Defaults to "b" if an empty string is passed' echo 'Details: https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp#format-selection' read -e -r format format="${format:-b}" echo bold 'Started' echo for link in "${links[@]}"; do video_id=$(ytlink "$link") if [[ $video_id != "" ]]; then # Convert YT and Piped links to YT echo "Found YT video ID: $video_id" newlink="https://youtube.com/watch?v=$video_id" else newlink="$link" fi echo "URL: $newlink" echo "Generating safe name for the file" video_title=$(yt-dlp --print title "$newlink") video_file="$(safename "$video_title")---%(id)s.%(ext)s" echo "Template: $video_file" if [[ $debug == 1 ]] then continue fi echo "Downloading with yt-dlp" if yt-dlp -f "$format" -o "$video_file" -P ./files/ "$newlink" then bold "OK" success=$(( success + 1 )) else bold "Error" error=$(( error + 1 )) fi echo done } # --------- # Functions # A title and a small manual title () { echo echo -ne '\033[1m' echo -ne '***' echo -ne '\033[1;34m' echo -ne ' Auto YT-DLP Script ' echo -ne '\033[0m\033[1m' echo -ne '***' echo -e '\033[0m' } usage () { echo 'Copy video links to the clipboard,' echo 'the script will automatically' echo 'detect them.' echo 'Then press Ctrl+C' echo 'to stop clipboard watcher.' echo } # Watching for the clipboard content watch () { prev=$(getcb) while [[ $watching == 1 ]]; do cb=$(getcb) if [[ "$cb" != "$prev" ]]; then prev="$cb" if [[ "$cb" =~ ^https?:// ]]; then links+=("$cb") echo "Found link: $cb" fi fi sleep 0.01 done } # ---- # Main main() { # Setup trap 'sigint' SIGINT # Some info title usage # Clipboard watching watch # Create a directory for downloaded files mkdir -p ./files # Ask for downloading method bold 'The script can work with 1.yt-dlp and 2.Piped API' echo -n 'Which one you prefer? (1 or 2) ' read -r downloader echo if [[ $downloader == 2 ]]; then dlwith_piped else dlwith_ytdlp fi # Show result bold "Downloaded: $success" bold "Errors: $error" echo # Waiting for the response echo 'Press Ctrl+C to exit' while true; do :; done } main