Bugfix, new functional

This commit is contained in:
Andrey 2021-07-20 16:23:29 +04:00 committed by GitHub
parent 63ab1e0ec2
commit 6de9fd7d4a
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import os
import asyncio
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from discord.utils import get
from youtubesearchpython import VideosSearch
from pytube import YouTube
@ -9,18 +10,19 @@ from pytube import YouTube
# https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=861599847441104926&permissions=2184277249&scope=bot
# Options
prefs__music_channel = 'Музыка'
token = '*** YOUR TOKEN ***'
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='/')
# Command /catplay <search query>
@bot.command(name='catplay', description='Plays the music in a voice channel')
async def catplay(ctx, *args):
# Get the server (guild) and the music channel
curserver = ctx.guild
music_channel = None
for vch in curserver.voice_channels:
if (vch.name == 'Музыка'):
if (vch.name == prefs__music_channel):
music_channel = vch
if (music_channel != None):
@ -39,18 +41,56 @@ async def catplay(ctx, *args):
notif = discord.Embed(color=0xe3813e, title='Playing:', description=f'{yt.author} - {yt.title}')
# Connecting to the voice channel
sp = await music_channel.connect()
# Stopping previously playing music
if (sp.is_playing()):
await ctx.send(':inbox_tray: **Connecting...**')
# Get the VoiceClient and connect to the channel
vc = get(bot.voice_clients, guild=curserver)
if vc and vc.is_connected():
await vc.move_to(music_channel)
vc = await music_channel.connect()
# Playing music to the voice channel
sp.play(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(source='music.mp3'), after=None)
vc.play(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(source='music.mp3'), after=None)
await ctx.send(embed=notif)
while (sp.is_playing()):
while vc.is_playing():
await asyncio.sleep(1)
if vc.is_playing():
# Command /catpause
async def catpause(ctx):
curserver = ctx.guild
music_channel = None
for vch in curserver.voice_channels:
if (vch.name == prefs__music_channel):
music_channel = vch
if (music_channel != None):
vc = get(bot.voice_clients, guild=curserver)
await vc.move_to(music_channel)
if (vc.is_paused()):
await ctx.send(':arrow_forward: **Playing**')
await ctx.send(':pause_button: **Paused**\n> To resume the playback, type the command /catpause again.')
# Command /catstop
async def catstop(ctx):
curserver = ctx.guild
music_channel = None
for vch in curserver.voice_channels:
if (vch.name == prefs__music_channel):
music_channel = vch
if (music_channel != None):
vc = get(bot.voice_clients, guild=curserver)
await vc.move_to(music_channel)
await ctx.send(':stop_button: **Stopped**')
# Starting bot after setup