import os import asyncio import discord from discord.ext import commands from discord.utils import get from youtubesearchpython import VideosSearch from pytube import YouTube # Add bot to a server: # # Options prefs__music_channel = 'Музыка' token = '*** YOUR TOKEN ***' bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='/') # Command /catplay @bot.command() async def catplay(ctx, *args): # Get the server (guild) and the music channel curserver = ctx.guild music_channel = None for vch in curserver.voice_channels: if ( == prefs__music_channel): music_channel = vch if (music_channel != None): song_query = ' '.join(args) await ctx.send(':mag: **Searching...**') # Find music on YouTube and download it vs = VideosSearch(song_query, limit=1) yt = YouTube(vs.result()['result'][0]['link']) await ctx.send(':open_file_folder: **Downloading...**') dl = yt.streams.filter(only_audio=True).first().download() os.rename(yt.streams.filter(only_audio=True).first().default_filename, 'music.mp3') # Beautiful notification notif = discord.Embed(color=0xe3813e, title='Playing:', description=f'{} - {yt.title}') notif.set_image(url=yt.thumbnail_url) await ctx.send(':inbox_tray: **Connecting...**') # Get the VoiceClient and connect to the channel vc = get(bot.voice_clients, guild=curserver) if vc and vc.is_connected(): await vc.move_to(music_channel) else: vc = await music_channel.connect() # Playing music to the voice channel'music.mp3'), after=None) await ctx.send(embed=notif) while vc.is_playing(): await asyncio.sleep(1) if vc.is_playing(): vc.stop() os.remove('music.mp3') # Command /catpause @bot.command() async def catpause(ctx): curserver = ctx.guild music_channel = None for vch in curserver.voice_channels: if ( == prefs__music_channel): music_channel = vch if (music_channel != None): vc = get(bot.voice_clients, guild=curserver) await vc.move_to(music_channel) if (vc.is_paused()): vc.resume() await ctx.send(':arrow_forward: **Playing**') else: vc.pause() await ctx.send(':pause_button: **Paused**\n> To resume the playback, type the command /catpause again.') # Command /catstop @bot.command() async def catstop(ctx): curserver = ctx.guild music_channel = None for vch in curserver.voice_channels: if ( == prefs__music_channel): music_channel = vch if (music_channel != None): vc = get(bot.voice_clients, guild=curserver) await vc.move_to(music_channel) vc.stop() await ctx.send(':stop_button: **Stopped**') # Starting bot after setup