--- cover = head/meta[@property="og:image"]/@content [0] ***ID*** = re.search(r'knigavuhe.org/2/covers/(\d+)/', cover) --- pagetitle = //div[@class="page_title"]/h1 [0] #booktitle = //span[@class="book_title_elem book_title_name"] [0].text_content() booktitle = //span[@itemprop="name"] [0].text_content() bookauthor = //span[@itemprop="author"]/a [0].text_content() --- cover = //div[@class="book_cover_wrap"]/div[@class="book_cover"]/img/@src [0] #description = //div[@class="book_description"] [0].text_content() description = //div[@itemprop="description"] [0].text_content() --- lst = //div[@class="gm-scroll-view"]/div[@class="book_playlist_item"] for i in lst: ***PART*** = /div[@class="book_playlist_item_name --text-overflow"] [0].text_content() --- https://s10.knigavuhe.org/3/audio/***ID***/***PART***.mp3 --- POST https://knigavuhe.org/play/id/20977/progress/ trackIndex: 3 (part number in a playlist, from 0) position: 1074.834395 (can be integer or float, from the beginning of part, in seconds) speed: 1 (can be integer or float, from 0.5 to 3) JSON response: 0: "flood" /* = pause */ or null /* = playing */ 1: null /* = pause */ or 1 /* = playing */