2022-07-01 14:28:39 +04:00
"""Modifying server and world options"""
2022-01-11 18:08:59 +04:00
import enum
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import re
import lxml.html
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from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union, Optional
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from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
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2021-10-15 19:31:47 +04:00
2022-06-23 15:13:56 +04:00
from .atserver import AternosServer
DAT_PREFIX = 'Data:'
DAT_GR_PREFIX = 'Data:GameRules:'
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2022-01-11 18:08:59 +04:00
class ServerOpts(enum.Enum):
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"""server.options file"""
players = 'max-players'
gm = 'gamemode'
difficulty = 'difficulty'
whl = 'white-list'
online = 'online-mode'
pvp = 'pvp'
cmdblock = 'enable-command-block'
flight = 'allow-flight'
animals = 'spawn-animals'
monsters = 'spawn-monsters'
villagers = 'spawn-npcs'
nether = 'allow-nether'
forcegm = 'force-gamemode'
spawnlock = 'spawn-protection'
cmds = 'allow-cheats'
packreq = 'require-resource-pack'
pack = 'resource-pack'
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2022-01-11 18:08:59 +04:00
class WorldOpts(enum.Enum):
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"""level.dat file"""
seed12 = 'randomseed'
seed = 'seed'
hardcore = 'hardcore'
difficulty = 'Difficulty'
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2022-01-11 18:08:59 +04:00
class WorldRules(enum.Enum):
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"""/gamerule list"""
advs = 'announceAdvancements'
univanger = 'universalAnger'
cmdout = 'commandBlockOutput'
elytra = 'disableElytraMovementCheck'
raids = 'disableRaids'
daynight = 'doDaylightCycle'
entdrop = 'doEntityDrops'
fire = 'doFireTick'
phantoms = 'doInsomnia'
immrespawn = 'doImmediateRespawn'
limitcraft = 'doLimitedCrafting'
mobloot = 'doMobLoot'
mobs = 'doMobSpawning'
patrols = 'doPatrolSpawning'
blockdrop = 'doTileDrops'
traders = 'doTraderSpawning'
weather = 'doWeatherCycle'
drowndmg = 'drowningDamage'
falldmg = 'fallDamage'
firedmg = 'fireDamage'
snowdmg = 'freezeDamage'
forgive = 'forgiveDeadPlayers'
keepinv = 'keepInventory'
deathmsg = 'showDeathMessages'
admincmdlog = 'logAdminCommands'
cmdlen = 'maxCommandChainLength'
entcram = 'maxEntityCramming'
mobgrief = 'mobGriefing'
regen = 'naturalRegeneration'
sleeppct = 'playersSleepingPercentage'
rndtick = 'randomTickSpeed'
spawnradius = 'spawnRadius'
reducedf3 = 'reducedDebugInfo'
spectchunkgen = 'spectatorsGenerateChunks'
cmdfb = 'sendCommandFeedback'
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class Gamemode(enum.IntEnum):
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"""/gamemode numeric list"""
survival = 0
creative = 1
adventure = 2
spectator = 3
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class Difficulty(enum.IntEnum):
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"""/difficulty numeric list"""
peaceful = 0
easy = 1
normal = 2
hard = 3
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2021-10-15 15:12:45 +04:00
2022-03-25 16:45:38 +04:00
# checking timezone format
tzcheck = re.compile(r'(^[A-Z]\w+\/[A-Z]\w+$)|^UTC$')
# options types converting
2022-03-18 18:38:36 +04:00
convert = {
2022-06-23 15:13:56 +04:00
'config-option-number': int,
'config-option-select': int,
'config-option-toggle': bool
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2021-10-15 15:12:45 +04:00
class AternosConfig:
2022-06-23 15:13:56 +04:00
"""Class for editing server settings
:param atserv: :class:`python_aternos.atserver.AternosServer` object
:type atserv: python_aternos.atserver.AternosServer
def __init__(self, atserv: 'AternosServer') -> None:
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self.atserv = atserv
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def get_timezone(self) -> str:
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"""Parses timezone from options page
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2022-06-23 15:13:56 +04:00
:return: Area/Location
:rtype: str
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2022-06-23 15:13:56 +04:00
optreq = self.atserv.atserver_request(
'https://aternos.org/options', 'GET'
opttree = lxml.html.fromstring(optreq)
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2022-06-23 15:13:56 +04:00
tzopt = opttree.xpath(
'//div[@class="options-other-input timezone-switch"]'
tztext = tzopt.xpath('.//div[@class="option current"]')[0].text
return tztext.strip()
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def set_timezone(self, value: str) -> None:
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2022-06-23 15:13:56 +04:00
"""Sets new timezone
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2022-06-23 15:13:56 +04:00
:param value: New timezone
:type value: str
:raises ValueError: If given string
doesn't match Area/Location format
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matches_tz = tzcheck.search(value)
if not matches_tz:
raise ValueError(
'Timezone must match zoneinfo format: Area/Location'
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2022-06-23 15:13:56 +04:00
'POST', data={'timezone': value},
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2022-06-23 15:13:56 +04:00
def get_java(self) -> int:
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"""Parses Java version from options page
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:return: Java image version
:rtype: int
2022-06-17 12:30:58 +04:00
2022-06-23 15:13:56 +04:00
optreq = self.atserv.atserver_request(
'https://aternos.org/options', 'GET'
opttree = lxml.html.fromstring(optreq)
imgopt = opttree.xpath(
'//div[@class="options-other-input image-switch"]'
imgver = imgopt.xpath(
'.//div[@class="option current"]/@data-value'
2022-01-11 18:08:59 +04:00
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jdkver = str(imgver or '').removeprefix('openjdk:')
return int(jdkver)
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2022-06-23 15:13:56 +04:00
def set_java(self, value: int) -> None:
"""Sets new Java version
:param value: New Java image version
:type value: int
'POST', data={'image': f'openjdk:{value}'},
# server.properties
def set_server_prop(self, option: str, value: Any) -> None:
"""Sets server.properties option
:param option: Option name
:type option: str
:param value: New value
:type value: Any
option, value
def get_server_props(self, proptyping: bool = True) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Parses all server.properties from options page
:param proptyping: If the returned dict should contain value
that matches property type (e.g. max-players will be int)
instead of string, defaults to True
:type proptyping: bool, optional
:return: Server.properties dict
:rtype: Dict[str,Any]
return self.__get_all_props('https://aternos.org/options', proptyping)
def set_server_props(self, props: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
"""Updates server.properties options with the given dict
:param props: Dict with properties `{key:value}`
:type props: Dict[str,Any]
for key in props:
self.set_server_prop(key, props[key])
# level.dat
def set_world_prop(
self, option: Union[WorldOpts, WorldRules],
value: Any, gamerule: bool = False,
world: str = 'world') -> None:
"""Sets level.dat option for specified world
:param option: Option name
:type option: Union[WorldOpts,WorldRules]
:param value: New value
:type value: Any
:param gamerule: If the option
is a gamerule, defaults to False
:type gamerule: bool, optional
:param world: Name of the world which
level.dat must be edited, defaults to 'world'
:type world: str, optional
prefix = DAT_PREFIX
if gamerule:
prefix = DAT_GR_PREFIX
def get_world_props(
self, world: str = 'world',
proptyping: bool = True) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Parses level.dat from specified world's options page
:param world: Name of the world, defaults to 'world'
:type world: str, optional
:param proptyping: If the returned dict should contain the value
that matches property type (e.g. randomTickSpeed will be bool)
instead of string, defaults to True
:type proptyping: bool, optional
:return: Level.dat dict
:rtype: Dict[str,Any]
2022-07-01 09:36:52 +04:00
return self.__get_all_props(
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2022-07-01 09:36:52 +04:00
def set_world_props(
2022-07-01 14:28:39 +04:00
props: Dict[Union[WorldOpts, WorldRules], Any],
world: str = 'world') -> None:
"""Sets level.dat options from
the dictionary for the specified world
:param props: Level.dat options
:type props: Dict[Union[WorldOpts, WorldRules], Any]
:param world: name of the world which
level.dat must be edited, defaults to 'world'
:type world: str
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2022-06-23 15:13:56 +04:00
for key in props:
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# helpers
def __set_prop(self, file: str, option: str, value: Any) -> None:
'POST', data={
'file': file,
'option': option,
'value': value
}, sendtoken=True
def __get_all_props(
self, url: str, proptyping: bool = True,
prefixes: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
optreq = self.atserv.atserver_request(url, 'GET')
opttree = lxml.html.fromstring(optreq.content)
configs = opttree.xpath('//div[@class="config-options"]')
for i, conf in enumerate(configs):
opts = conf.xpath('/div[contains(@class,"config-option ")]')
result = {}
for opt in opts:
key = opt.xpath(
value = opt.xpath(
if prefixes is not None:
key = f'{prefixes[i]}{key}'
opttype = opt.xpath('/@class').split(' ')[1]
if proptyping and opttype in convert:
value = convert[opttype](value)
result[key] = value
return result