import os import re import hashlib import lxml.html from typing import List from .atserver import AternosServer from .atconnect import AternosConnect from .aterrors import CredentialsError class Client: """Aternos API Client class whose object contains user's auth data :param atconn: :class:`python_aternos.atconnect.AternosConnect` instance with initialized Aternos session :type atconn: python_aternos.atconnect.AternosConnect """ def __init__(self, atconn: AternosConnect) -> None: self.atconn = atconn @classmethod def from_hashed(cls, username: str, md5: str): """Log in to Aternos with a username and a hashed password :param username: Your username :type username: str :param md5: Your password hashed with MD5 :type md5: str :raises CredentialsError: If the API doesn't return a valid session cookie :return: Client instance :rtype: python_aternos.Client """ atconn = AternosConnect() atconn.parse_token() atconn.generate_sec() credentials = { 'user': username, 'password': md5 } loginreq = atconn.request_cloudflare( f'', 'POST', data=credentials, sendtoken=True ) if 'ATERNOS_SESSION' not in loginreq.cookies: raise CredentialsError( 'Check your username and password' ) return cls(atconn) @classmethod def from_credentials(cls, username: str, password: str): """Log in to Aternos with a username and a plain password :param username: Your username :type username: str :param password: Your password without any encryption :type password: str :return: Client instance :rtype: python_aternos.Client """ md5 = Client.md5encode(password) return cls.from_hashed(username, md5) @classmethod def from_session(cls, session: str): """Log in to Aternos using a session cookie value :param session: Value of ATERNOS_SESSION cookie :type session: str :return: Client instance :rtype: python_aternos.Client """ atconn = AternosConnect() atconn.session.cookies['ATERNOS_SESSION'] = session atconn.parse_token() atconn.generate_sec() return cls(atconn) @classmethod def restore_session(cls, file: str = '~/.aternos'): """Log in to Aternos using a saved ATERNOS_SESSION cookie :param file: File where a session cookie was saved, deafults to ~/.aternos :type file: str, optional :return: Client instance :rtype: python_aternos.Client """ file = os.path.expanduser(file) with open(file, 'rt') as f: session = return cls.from_session(session) @staticmethod def md5encode(passwd: str) -> str: """Encodes the given string with MD5 :param passwd: String to encode :type passwd: str :return: Hexdigest hash of the string in lowercase :rtype: str """ encoded = hashlib.md5(passwd.encode('utf-8')) return encoded.hexdigest().lower() def save_session(self, file: str = '~/.aternos') -> None: """Saves an ATERNOS_SESSION cookie to a file :param file: File where a session cookie must be saved, defaults to ~/.aternos :type file: str, optional """ file = os.path.expanduser(file) with open(file, 'wt') as f: f.write(self.atconn.atsession) def list_servers(self) -> List[AternosServer]: """Parses a list of your servers from Aternos website :return: List of :class:`python_aternos.atserver.AternosServer` objects :rtype: list """ serverspage = self.atconn.request_cloudflare( '', 'GET' ) serverstree = lxml.html.fromstring(serverspage.content) serverslist = serverstree.xpath( '//div[contains(@class,"servers ")]/div' ) servers = [] for server in serverslist: servid = server.xpath('./div[@class="server-body"]/@data-id')[0] servers.append(AternosServer(servid, self.atconn)) return servers def get_server(self, servid: str) -> AternosServer: """Creates a server object from the server ID. Use this instead of list_servers if you know the ID to save some time. :return: :class:`python_aternos.atserver.AternosServer` object :rtype: python_aternos.atserver.AternosServer """ return AternosServer(servid, self.atconn) def change_username(self, value: str) -> None: """Changes a username in your Aternos account :param value: New username :type value: str """ self.atconn.request_cloudflare( '', 'POST', data={'username': value} ) def change_email(self, value: str) -> None: """Changes an e-mail in your Aternos account :param value: New e-mail :type value: str :raises ValueError: If an invalid e-mail address was passed to the function """ email = re.compile( r'^[A-Za-z0-9\-_+.]+@[A-Za-z0-9\-_+.]+\.[A-Za-z0-9\-]+$|^$' ) if not email.match(value): raise ValueError('Invalid e-mail!') self.atconn.request_cloudflare( '', 'POST', data={'email': value} ) def change_password(self, old: str, new: str) -> None: """Changes a password in your Aternos account :param old: Old password :type old: str :param new: New password :type new: str """ old = Client.md5encode(old) new = Client.md5encode(new) self.atconn.request_cloudflare( '', 'POST', data={ 'oldpassword': old, 'newpassword': new } )