import re import random import logging from requests import Response from cloudscraper import CloudScraper from typing import Optional, Union from . import atjsparse from .aterrors import TokenError, CloudflareError REQUA = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/99.0.4844.84 Safari/537.36 OPR/85.0.4341.47' class AternosConnect: """ Class for sending API requests bypass Cloudflare and parsing responses""" def __init__(self) -> None: self.session = CloudScraper() self.atsession = '' def parse_token(self) -> str: """Parses Aternos ajax token that is needed for most requests :raises RuntimeWarning: If the parser can not find tag in HTML response :raises CredentialsError: If the parser is unable to extract ajax token in HTML :return: Aternos ajax token :rtype: str """ loginpage = self.request_cloudflare( f'', 'GET' ).content # Using the standard string methods # instead of the expensive xml parsing head = b'' headtag = loginpage.find(head) headend = loginpage.find(b'', headtag + len(head)) # Some checks if headtag < 0 or headend < 0: pagehead = loginpage raise RuntimeWarning( 'Unable to find tag, parsing the whole page' ) # Extracting content headtag = headtag + len(head) pagehead = loginpage[headtag:headend] try: text = pagehead.decode('utf-8', 'replace') js_code = re.findall(r'\(\(\)(.*?)\)\(\);', text) token_func = js_code[1] if len(js_code) > 1 else js_code[0] ctx = atjsparse.exec(token_func) self.token = ctx.window['AJAX_TOKEN'] except (IndexError, TypeError): raise TokenError( 'Unable to parse TOKEN from the page' ) return self.token def generate_sec(self) -> str: """Generates Aternos SEC token which is also needed for most API requests :return: Random SEC key:value string :rtype: str """ randkey = self.generate_aternos_rand() randval = self.generate_aternos_rand() self.sec = f'{randkey}:{randval}' self.session.cookies.set( f'ATERNOS_SEC_{randkey}', randval, domain='' ) return self.sec def generate_aternos_rand(self, randlen: int = 16) -> str: """Generates a random string using Aternos algorithm from main.js file :param randlen: Random string length, defaults to 16 :type randlen: int, optional :return: Random string for SEC token :rtype: str """ # a list with randlen+1 empty strings: # generate a string with spaces, # then split it by space rand_arr = (' ' * (randlen+1)).split(' ') rand = random.random() rand_alphanum = self.convert_num(rand, 36) + ('0' * 17) return (rand_alphanum[:18].join(rand_arr)[:randlen]) def convert_num( self, num: Union[int, float, str], base: int, frombase: int = 10) -> str: """Converts an integer to specified base :param num: Integer in any base to convert. If it is a float started with `0,`, zero and comma will be removed to get int :type num: Union[int,float,str] :param base: New base :type base: int :param frombase: Given number base, defaults to 10 :type frombase: int, optional :return: Number converted to a specified base :rtype: str """ if isinstance(num, str): num = int(num, frombase) if isinstance(num, float): sliced = str(num)[2:] num = int(sliced) symbols = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' basesym = symbols[:base] result = '' while num > 0: rem = num % base result = str(basesym[rem]) + result num //= base return result def request_cloudflare( self, url: str, method: str, params: Optional[dict] = None, data: Optional[dict] = None, headers: Optional[dict] = None, reqcookies: Optional[dict] = None, sendtoken: bool = False, redirect: bool = True, retry: int = 3) -> Response: """Sends a request to Aternos API bypass Cloudflare :param url: Request URL :type url: str :param method: Request method, must be GET or POST :type method: str :param params: URL parameters, defaults to None :type params: Optional[dict], optional :param data: POST request data, if the method is GET, this dict will be combined with params, defaults to None :type data: Optional[dict], optional :param headers: Custom headers, defaults to None :type headers: Optional[dict], optional :param reqcookies: Cookies only for this request, defaults to None :type reqcookies: Optional[dict], optional :param sendtoken: If the ajax and SEC token should be sent, defaults to False :type sendtoken: bool, optional :param redirect: If requests lib should follow Location header in 3xx responses, defaults to True :type redirect: bool, optional :param retry: How many times parser must retry connection to API bypass Cloudflare, defaults to 3 :type retry: int, optional :raises CloudflareError: When the parser has exceeded retries count :raises NotImplementedError: When the specified method is not GET or POST :return: API response :rtype: requests.Response """ if retry <= 0: raise CloudflareError('Unable to bypass Cloudflare protection') try: self.atsession = self.session.cookies['ATERNOS_SESSION'] except KeyError: pass method = method or 'GET' method = method.upper().strip() if method not in ('GET', 'POST'): raise NotImplementedError('Only GET and POST are available') headers = headers or {} params = params or {} data = data or {} reqcookies = reqcookies or {} if sendtoken: params['TOKEN'] = self.token params['SEC'] = self.sec headers['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest' # requests.cookies.CookieConflictError bugfix reqcookies['ATERNOS_SESSION'] = self.atsession del self.session.cookies['ATERNOS_SESSION'] logging.debug(f'Requesting({method})' + url) logging.debug('headers=' + str(headers)) logging.debug('params=' + str(params)) logging.debug('data=' + str(data)) logging.debug('req-cookies=' + str(reqcookies)) logging.debug('session-cookies=' + str(self.session.cookies)) if method == 'POST': req = url, data=data, params=params, headers=headers, cookies=reqcookies, allow_redirects=redirect ) else: req = self.session.get( url, params={**params, **data}, headers=headers, cookies=reqcookies, allow_redirects=redirect ) if 'Please Wait... | Cloudflare' in req.text:'Retrying to bypass Cloudflare') self.request_cloudflare( url, method, params, data, headers, reqcookies, sendtoken, redirect, retry - 1 ) f'{method} completed with {req.status_code} status' ) return req