-`math_bruteforce` - scripts for "bruteforcing" mathematical expressions. Merge from [DarkCat09/Math_BruteForce](https://github.com/DarkCat09/Math_BruteForce).
-`rp5id_parser` - script for parsing Russian cities (IDs and links) from weather web site RP5.Ru. I've already executed this script, so there is files russia.csv, ukraine.csv, usa.csv... with cities in (corresponding to the filename) countries, you can use they. Please, don't execute rp5id_parser, it can overload the RP5 servers.
-`bookrename.py` - script for renaming PDF,DOC(X),ODF,EPUB,FB2,TXT-books by template. [A question on 4PDA about renaming over 1000 books](https://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=256807&view=findpost&p=105705978), [My RegExp](https://regexr.com/5q42v).
-`soi.py` - FJCamera saves incorrect jpeg, with twice or triple StartOfImage, so I have to write a script for removing SOI, that works with multiple images.