import re import requests import urllib.parse from lxml import html # Get web page with Russian cities from RP5 russian_cities_page = requests.get('Погода_в_России') russian_cities_tree = html.fromstring(russian_cities_page.content) # Extract the table with cities columns = russian_cities_tree.xpath('//div[@class="countryMap"]//div[@class="countryMap-cell"]') # File cities_file = open('russia.csv', 'wt') cities_file.write('ID,City\n') # Write all identifiers and cities city_link_regex = re.compile(r'^https*://Погода_[А-Яа-я\w.,\-()]+)') added_ids = [] for col in columns: ids = col.xpath('.//span[@class="Ajax-PointID"]//@id') for city in ids: str_to_write = '' # Check identifier for added in added_ids: if city == added: break else: # Write identifier added_ids.append(city) str_to_write += str(city) # Comment this block to execute script faster and prevent DDoS detecting on RP5 server city_response = requests.get('' + city) redirect = urllib.parse.unquote(city_response.url) print(redirect) str_to_write += (',' + # Write to file cities_file.write(str_to_write + '\n') print(city) cities_file.close() print('') input('Press ENTER to exit ...')