## Imports import sys import time import random import vlc import speech_recognition as sr ## Options resume_type = 0 # 0=keyboard, 1=voice my_lang = 'ru-RU' # recognizer language word_for_resume = 'старт' # word for recognizer to resume music ## Functions def wait_for_word(word): phrase = '' recog = sr.Recognizer() mic = sr.Microphone() while True: with mic as audio_file: recog.adjust_for_ambient_noise(audio_file) audio = recog.listen(audio_file) try: phrase = recog.recognize_google(audio, language=my_lang) print("Recognizer:", phrase) if (phrase.lower().find(word.lower()) > -1): break except Exception: print("Error") ## Main code try: print() player = vlc.MediaPlayer(sys.argv[1]) while True: player.play() time.sleep(random.randint(3, 8)+2) player.pause() if resume_type == 1: wait_for_word(word_for_resume) else: input("Press ENTER to resume... ") print("OK") except KeyboardInterrupt: player.stop() print("\n") print("Stopped by keyboard.") print("") quit()