import os import sys import json import threading import keyboard from pynput.keyboard import Listener import soundfile as sf import sounddevice as sd from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtGui, QtCore import ui_sundpood import ui_overlay import keys class OverlayUi(QtWidgets.QMainWindow, ui_overlay.Ui_MainWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) def keyPressEvent(self, e): if e.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_F1: self.hide() class MainUi(QtWidgets.QMainWindow, ui_sundpood.Ui_MainWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) def keyPressEvent(self, e): if e.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_F1: self.hide() ###! JSON !### def jsonread(file): ## Чтение JSON with open(file, "r", encoding='utf-8') as read_file: data = json.load(read_file) return data def jsonwrite(file, data): ## Запись JSON with open(file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as write_file: write_file.write(json.dumps(data)) ###! FUNCTIONS !### def found_device(list_): # Поиск микшера VoiceMeeter index = 0 for i in list_: if 'VoiceMeeter Input' in i['name']: break index += 1 return index def sound_get(mode): # Сбор файлов def check_format(name, format_): # Проверка слова до точки с конца строки suf = '' while name[-1] != '.': suf += name[-1] name = name[:-1] suf = suf[::-1] if type(format_) is list: if suf in format_: return True else: return False elif type(format_) is str: if suf == format_: return True else: return False def sound_convert(path, name, format_): # Конвертация из форматов 'mp3' 'm4a' в format_ old_name = name if check_format(name, ['mp3', 'm4a']): while name[-1] != '.': name = name[:-1] name += format_ os.system(f'''ffmpeg.exe -i "{os.path.join(path, old_name)}" "{os.path.join(path, name)}"''') os.remove(f'{os.path.join(path, old_name)}') return name msg = QtWidgets.QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Critical) msg.setText("You don't have any sounds in 'sound' folder") msg.setInformativeText('download sound in .wav / .mp3 / .m4a format') msg.setWindowTitle('Error') if os.path.exists('settings.json') and mode == False: sounds_list = jsonread('settings.json') elif not os.path.exists('settings.json') or mode == True: if os.path.exists('sound'): if len(os.listdir('sound')) == 0: msg.exec_() exit() menu = [] sounds_list = ['sound\\'] for i in os.listdir('sound'): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join('sound', i)): i = sound_convert('sound', i, 'wav') sounds_list.append(i) else: sounds_list_cat = [os.path.join('sound', i)] for x in os.listdir(os.path.join('sound', i)): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join('sound', i, x)): x = sound_convert(os.path.join('sound', i), x, 'wav') sounds_list_cat.append(x) menu.append(sounds_list_cat) menu.append(sounds_list) sounds = [] for i in os.listdir('sound'): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join('sound', i)): if check_format(i, 'wav'): sounds.append(i) if os.path.exists('settings.json'): hotkeys = jsonread('settings.json')['hotkeys'] sounds_list = {'sound':sounds, 'hotkeys':hotkeys, 'menu':menu} else: sounds_list = {'sounds':sounds, 'hotkeys':{'Push button':''}, 'menu':menu} for i in COMBOS: i.addItems(sounds) jsonwrite('settings.json', sounds_list) else: msg.exec_() exit() return sounds_list def save(): # Сохранение списка хоткеев hotkeys = {} sounds = sound_get(False) for i in range(len(COMBOS)): hotkeys.setdefault(HOTKEYS[i].text(), COMBOS[i].currentText()) sounds_list = {'sounds':sounds, 'hotkeys':hotkeys, 'menu':menu} jsonwrite('settings.json', sounds_list) sounds = None hotkeys = None def play_sound(index): # Проигрываение звука print(index) try: filename = COMBOS[index].currentText() try: data, fs ='sound', filename), dtype='float32'), fs) keyboard.wait( sd.wait() except: pass except: filename = menu[select[0]][select[1]] try: data, fs =[select[0]][0], filename), dtype='float32'), fs) keyboard.wait( sd.wait() except: pass def hotkey_remap(btn): # Переназначение хоткеев def check(key): button = HOTKEYS[btn] key = str(key) if key not in keys.forbidden: print(key) COMMANDS[COMMANDS.index(button.text())] = key.replace("'",'') button.setText(key.replace("'",'')) for i in HOTKEYS: if i != HOTKEYS[btn]: i.setEnabled(True) return False for i in HOTKEYS: if i != HOTKEYS[btn]: i.setEnabled(False) hotkey_remap_Listener = Listener( on_release=check) hotkey_remap_Listener.start() ###! CONTROL !### def key_check(key): # Хоткеи def select_move(mode): select[1] += mode[1] select[0] += mode[0] if select[0] > len(menu)-1 or select[0] < -len(menu)+1: select[0] = 0 if select[1] > len(menu[select[0]])-1 or select[1] < -len(menu[select[0]])+1: select[1] = 0 if mode[0] != 0: select[1] = 0 over.label.setText(menu[select[0]][select[1]]) win.select_label.setText(menu[select[0]][select[1]]) key = str(key) if key.replace("'",'') in COMMANDS: play_sound(COMMANDS.index(key.replace("'",''))) keyboard.add_hotkey(72, select_move, args=[[0, -1]]) keyboard.add_hotkey(80, select_move, args=[[0, 1]]) keyboard.add_hotkey(77, select_move, args=[[1, 0]]) keyboard.add_hotkey(75, select_move, args=[[-1, 0]]) keyboard.add_hotkey(76, play_sound, args=['']) keyboard.add_hotkey(73, sd.stop) def main(): # Интерфейс key_check_Listener.start() win.save_button.clicked.connect(save) win.hotkey_1.clicked.connect(lambda: hotkey_remap(0)) win.hotkey_2.clicked.connect(lambda: hotkey_remap(1)) win.hotkey_3.clicked.connect(lambda: hotkey_remap(2)) win.hotkey_4.clicked.connect(lambda: hotkey_remap(3)) win.hotkey_5.clicked.connect(lambda: hotkey_remap(4)) win.hotkey_6.clicked.connect(lambda: hotkey_remap(5)) win.hotkey_7.clicked.connect(lambda: hotkey_remap(6)) win.hotkey_8.clicked.connect(lambda: hotkey_remap(7)) win.hotkey_9.clicked.connect(lambda: hotkey_remap(8)) win.hotkey_10.clicked.connect(lambda: hotkey_remap(9)) win.hotkey_11.clicked.connect(lambda: hotkey_remap(10)) win.hotkey_12.clicked.connect(lambda: hotkey_remap(11)) if __name__ == '__main__': ### Поиск устроства ввода ### list_ = list(sd.query_devices()) index = found_device(list_) sd.default.device = list_[index]['name'] ### Создание окна ### app = QtWidgets.QApplication([]) over = OverlayUi() win = MainUi() COMBOS = [ win.combo0, win.combo1, win.combo2, win.combo3, win.combo4, win.combo5, win.combo6, win.combo7, win.combo8, win.combo9, win.combo10, win.combo11,] HOTKEYS = [ win.hotkey_1, win.hotkey_2, win.hotkey_3, win.hotkey_4, win.hotkey_5, win.hotkey_6, win.hotkey_7, win.hotkey_8, win.hotkey_9, win.hotkey_10, win.hotkey_11, win.hotkey_12,] sound_get_dict = sound_get(True) ### Глобальные переменные ### sounds = sound_get_dict['hotkeys'] menu = sound_get_dict['menu'] select = [0, 0] combo = 0 for i in sounds.items(): index = COMBOS[combo].findText(i[1]) COMBOS[combo].setCurrentIndex(index) HOTKEYS[combo].setText(i[0]) combo += 1 combo = None COMMANDS = [ HOTKEYS[0].text(), HOTKEYS[1].text(), HOTKEYS[2].text(), HOTKEYS[3].text(), HOTKEYS[4].text(), HOTKEYS[5].text(), HOTKEYS[6].text(), HOTKEYS[7].text(), HOTKEYS[8].text(), HOTKEYS[9].text(), HOTKEYS[10].text(), HOTKEYS[11].text(),] key_check_Listener = Listener( on_release=key_check) main() sys.exit(app.exec())