diff --git a/docs/astro.config.mjs b/docs/astro.config.mjs
index afd4903..e310848 100644
--- a/docs/astro.config.mjs
+++ b/docs/astro.config.mjs
@@ -43,6 +43,23 @@ export default defineConfig({
+ {
+ label: 'Config',
+ items: [
+ {
+ label: 'Configure .env',
+ slug: 'docs/config/config-env'
+ },
+ {
+ label: 'Configure config.yaml',
+ slug: 'docs/config/config-yaml'
+ },
+ {
+ label: 'Configure Nginx',
+ slug: 'docs/config/config-nginx'
+ }
+ ],
+ },
diff --git a/docs/src/content/docs/docs/config/config-env.mdx b/docs/src/content/docs/docs/config/config-env.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3553d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/content/docs/docs/config/config-env.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+title: Configure .env
+import { Aside, Code } from '@astrojs/starlight/components';
+Kekkai can be configured using the `.env` file in the working directory. `.env.example`.
+`.env` config is used to configure PosgreSQL running in Docker Compose.
+This config only edits the password for PosgreSQL.
+Please use only the characters `A-Za-z0-9`, without special characters or spaces
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/src/content/docs/docs/config/config-nginx.mdx b/docs/src/content/docs/docs/config/config-nginx.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5debd92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/content/docs/docs/config/config-nginx.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+title: Nginx configuration
+import { Code } from '@astrojs/starlight/components';
+Kekkai is used by `Nginx` to redirect to the correct microservice.
+## Change domain
+Change localhost to your `domain` or `ipv4` based on your needs.
+If you need to use Kekkai locally, you don't need to change anything,
+## Change name for SSL
+This is where the name of the SSL files changes. This needs to be edited if you have a different one
+Change `privkey.pem` and `fullchain.pem` to the names of the files you have.
diff --git a/docs/src/content/docs/docs/config/config-yaml.mdx b/docs/src/content/docs/docs/config/config-yaml.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcd0885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/content/docs/docs/config/config-yaml.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+title: Configure config.yaml
+import { Aside } from '@astrojs/starlight/components';
+Kekkai can be configured using the `config.yaml` file in the working directory.
+# For more information, see the documentation
+# https://kekkai-docs.redume.su/
+ port: 5432
+ host: ''
+ ssl:
+ private_key: '/CertSSL/privkey.pem'
+ cert: '/CertSSL/fullchain.pem'
+ work: true
+ log:
+ print: true
+ level: 'info'
+ plausible_api: 'https://plausible.io/api/event/'
+ plausible_domain: 'PLAUSIBLE_DOMAIN'
+ plausible_token: 'PLAUSIBLE_TOKEN'
+ work: false
+ chart:
+ save: false
+ collecting:
+ fiat: true
+ schedule: '30 8 * * *'
+ fiat:
+ - USD
+ - RUB
+ - EUR
+ - UAH
+ - TRY
+ - KZT
+## Database
+Kekkai is used as a `PostgreSQL` database.
+## Server
+### SSL
+Create a folder CertSSL to store your certificates
+mkdir CertSSL
+Copy your certificates to the CertSSL folder.
+It is recommended to rename the certificates to `privkey.pem` and `fullchain.pem`.
+If this is not possible,
+you need to change the SSL name in `nginx.conf` (if using Docker Compose)
+## Analytics
+Kekkai uses [`Plausbile`](https://plausible.io/) as an analyst.
+Minimal data is transferred for anilithics.
+Such as: browser, OS, status code, url, where the user came from.
+Most of the data is built on User Agent.
+It is possible to disable analytics in Kekkai.
+ plausible_api: 'https://plausible.io/api/event/'
+ plausible_domain: 'PLAUSIBLE_DOMAIN'
+ plausible_token: 'PLAUSIBLE_TOKEN'
+ work: true
+- `plausible_api`: This is where the Plausible instance is specified.
+ The official instance is specified by default.
+- `plausible_domain`: Kekkai Instance Domain.
+ It should be added to Plausible first, and then to the config.
+ You can add the domain [here](https://plausible.io/sites/new?flow=provisioning).
+- `plausible_token`: Api token for authorization and sending requests.
+You can create it [here](https://plausible.io/settings/api-keys).
+- `work`: Enable or disable analytics.
+## Currency
+`DuckDuckGo` (fiat currency collection) and `CoinMarketCap` (cryptocurrency collection)
+are used to collect currency rates.
+ chart:
+ save: false # Enable or disable saving graphs to an image (Boolean)
+ collecting:
+ fiat: true # Turn off or turn on the collection of the fiat currency rate [Boolean]
+ crypto: false
+ schedule: '30 8 * * *' # Currency collection schedule in crontab format [String]
+ crypto_apikey: 'APIKEY'
+ fiat: # List of fiat currency to save the exchange rate [Array]
+ - USD
+ - RUB
+ - EUR
+ - UAH
+ - TRY
+ - KZT
+ crypto:
+ - ETH
+ - TON
+ - USDT
+- `currency.chart.save`: Enable or disable saving graphs.
+- `currency.collecting`: Enable or disable cryptocurrency
+or fiat currency exchange rate collection.
+- `currency.schedule`: Currency collection interval (Configurable via cron.
+ It is recommended to use [crontab.guru](https://crontab.guru),
+ not supported in `Non-standard format`, like `@daily`).
+- `crypto.crypto_apiKey`: API-key from CoinMarketCap service
+- `currency.fiat`: A list of fiat currencies that will be saved to the database.
+- `currency.crypto`: A list of crypto currencies that will be saved to the database.
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