If you have any questions, you can write to the [mail](mailto:redddume@gmail.com) or [Telegram](https://t.me/Redddume) ### Fork and clone your repository 1. Fork the repository ([click here to fork now](https://github.com/Redume/Kekkai/fork)) 2. Clone your forked code ```bash git clone https://github.com//Kekkai.git ``` 3. Create new branch ```bash git branch ``` 4. Switch to new branch ```bash git checkout ``` 5. Push your commits 6. Submit a new Pull Request ### Testing ### Code Style [`Pylint`][pylint], [`mypy`][mypy], [`eslint`][eslint] and [`prettier`][prettier] are used as code syntax checks #### Checking the Node.JS code To check the code, you must first download the necessary libraries, which are located at the root of the project ```bash npm install ``` `eslint` and `prettier` is used to check and automatically correct the Node.JS code ```bash npm eslint . ``` #### Checking the Python code To check code, you need to install libraries `mypy` and `pylint` ```bash python3 -m pip install -U mypy ``` and install `pylint` ```bash pip install pylint ``` Start check the code for `pylint`: ```bash pylint /chart/ ``` and for `mypy`: ```bash mypy /chart/ ``` [pylint]: https://github.com/pylint-dev/pylint [mypy]: https://github.com/python/mypy [eslint]: https://github.com/eslint/eslint [prettier]: https://github.com/prettier/prettier