from aiogram import Bot, Dispatcher, types import asyncio import yaml import hashlib import aiohttp import json import re from word2number import w2n from function.convert import Converter from function.format_number import format_number config = yaml.safe_load(open("config.yaml")) dp = Dispatcher() @dp.message() async def message_conv(message: types.Message): with open('currency.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: currency_json = json.load(f) text = message.text.lower() args = text.split() number_match = re.match(r'\d+\.?\d*|\w+', args[0]) if number_match: number_text = try: amount = float(number_text) except ValueError: try: amount = float(w2n.word_to_num(number_text)) except ValueError: await message.reply("Не удалось распознать числовое значение.") return else: await message.reply("Не удалось найти числовое значение.") return if len(args) == 4: source_currency_alias = args[1] target_currency_alias = args[3] elif len(args) == 3: source_currency_alias = args[0] target_currency_alias = args[2] else: await message.reply("Не удалось определить исходную и целевую валюту.") return source_currency_code = None target_currency_code = None for currency_code, aliases in currency_json.items(): if source_currency_alias in aliases: source_currency_code = currency_code if target_currency_alias in aliases: target_currency_code = currency_code if not source_currency_code or not target_currency_code or amount is None: await message.reply("Не удалось найти сумму или валюты по указанным данным.") return conv = Converter() conv.amount = amount conv.from_currency = source_currency_code.upper() conv.conv_currency = target_currency_code.upper() conv.convert() result = f'{format_number(conv.amount)} {conv.from_currency} = {conv.conv_amount} {conv.conv_currency}' await message.reply(result) async def inline_reply(result_id: str, title: str, description: str or None, inline_query: types.InlineQuery) -> None: article = [None] article[0] = types.InlineQueryResultArticle( id=result_id, title=title, description=description, input_message_content=types.InputTextMessageContent( message_text=title ) ) await inline_query.answer( article, cache_time=1, is_personal=True, ) @dp.inline_query() async def currency(inline_query: types.InlineQuery) -> None: global result query = inline_query.query args = query.split() result_id = hashlib.md5(query.encode()).hexdigest() conv = Converter() try: if len(args) <= 1: await inline_reply(result_id, "2 or 3 arguments are required", f"@shirino_bot USD RUB \n@shirino_bot 12 USD RUB", inline_query) if len(args) == 3: conv.amount = float(args[0].replace(',', '.')) conv.from_currency = args[1].upper() conv.conv_currency = args[2].upper() conv.convert() elif len(args) == 2: conv.from_currency = args[0].upper() conv.conv_currency = args[1].upper() conv.convert() result = ( f'{format_number(conv.amount)} {conv.from_currency} = ' f'{conv.conv_amount} {conv.conv_currency}' ) except aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientError: await inline_reply(result_id, "Rate-limit from the Telegram API, repeat the request later", None, inline_query) await asyncio.sleep(1) except Exception: await inline_reply(result_id, "Invalid data format", "@shirino_bot USD RUB \n@shirino_bot 12 USD RUB", inline_query) await inline_reply(result_id, result, None, inline_query) async def main() -> None: bot = Bot(config['telegram_token']) await dp.start_polling(bot) if __name__ == '__main__':