import yaml import requests import json import re from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_DOWN from utils.format_number import format_number config = yaml.safe_load(open('config.yaml')) coinapi_len = len(config['coinapi_keys']) coinapi_active = [0] class Converter: def __init__(self): self.amount: float = 1.0 self.conv_amount: float = 0.0 self.from_currency: str = '' self.conv_currency: str = '' def convert(self) -> None: if not self.ddg(): self.coinapi() number = Decimal(str(self.conv_amount)) self.conv_amount = format_number(number.quantize(Decimal('1.00'), rounding=ROUND_DOWN)) def ddg(self) -> bool: res = requests.get('' f'/{self.amount}' f'/{self.from_currency}' f'/{self.conv_currency}') data = json.loads(re.findall(r'\(\s*(.*)\s*\);$', res.text)[0]) del data['terms'] del data['privacy'] del data['timestamp'] if len(data.get('to')) == 0: return False conv = data.get('to')[0] conv_amount = conv.get('mid') if conv_amount is None: raise RuntimeError('Error when converting currency via DuckDuckGo') self.conv_amount = float(conv_amount) return True def coinapi(self, depth: int = config['coinapi_keys']) -> None: if depth <= 0: raise RecursionError('Rate limit on all tokens') resp = requests.get( ( '' f'/{self.from_currency}' f'/{self.conv_currency}' ), headers={ 'X-CoinAPI-Key': config['coinapi_keys'][coinapi_active[0]], }, timeout=config['timeout'], ) if resp.status_code == 429: rotate_token(config['coinapi_keys'], coinapi_active) self.coinapi(depth - 1) data = resp.json() rate = data.get('rate') if rate is None: raise RuntimeError('Failed to get the exchange rate from CoinAPI') self.conv_amount = float(rate * self.amount) def rotate_token(lst, active) -> None: active[0] = (active[0] + 1) % len(lst)