from functions.convert import Converter from utils.format_number import format_number from utils.inline_query import reply from functions.create_chart import create_chart import yaml from aiohttp import web from aiogram import Bot, Dispatcher, Router, types from aiogram.client.default import DefaultBotProperties from aiogram.enums import ParseMode from aiogram.webhook.aiohttp_server import SimpleRequestHandler, setup_application from aiogram.filters import CommandStart import hashlib config = yaml.safe_load(open('config.yaml')) bot = Bot(token=config['telegram_token'], default=DefaultBotProperties(parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)) router = Router() @router.message(CommandStart()) async def start(message: types.Message): get_bot = await bot.get_me() await message.reply( 'Shirino is a telegram bot for converting fiat or cryptocurrency. ' 'The example of use occurs via inline query:\n' f'`@{get_bot.username} USD RUB` \n' f'`@{get_bot.username} 12 USD RUB` \n\n' '[Source Code](', parse_mode='markdown' ) @router.inline_query() async def currency(query: types.InlineQuery) -> None: text = query.query.lower() args = text.split() result_id = hashlib.md5(text.encode()).hexdigest() get_bot = await bot.get_me() if len(args) < 2: return await reply(result_id, [("2 or 3 arguments are required.", f'@{get_bot.username} USD RUB \n' f'@{get_bot.username} 12 USD RUB', None, None)], query) conv = Converter() from_currency, conv_currency = '', '' if len(args) == 3: try: conv.amount = float(args[0].replace(',', '.')) if conv.amount < 0: return await reply(result_id, [("Negative amounts are not supported.", None, None)], query) except ValueError: return await reply(result_id, [("Please enter a valid number for the amount.", f'@{get_bot.username} USD RUB \n' f'@{get_bot.username} 12 USD RUB', None, None)], query) from_currency = args[1] conv_currency = args[2] elif len(args) == 2: from_currency = args[0] conv_currency = args[1] else: return await reply(result_id, [( 'The source and target currency could not be determined.', None, None )], query) conv.from_currency = from_currency.upper() conv.conv_currency = conv_currency.upper() try: await conv.convert() except RuntimeError as e: return await reply(result_id, [('The currency exchange rate could not be determined', None, None)], query) chart = await create_chart(from_currency, conv_currency) message = f'{format_number(conv.amount)} {conv.from_currency} = {conv.conv_amount} {conv.conv_currency}' results = [(message, None, None)] if chart: results.insert(0, (f'{message}\n[Chart]({chart})', None, chart)) await reply(result_id, results, query) async def on_startup(bot: Bot) -> None: await bot.set_webhook( f"{config['webhook']['base_url']}{config['webhook']['path']}", secret_token=config['webhook']['secret_token'], allowed_updates=['inline_query', 'message'] ) def main() -> None: dp = Dispatcher() dp.include_router(router) dp.startup.register(on_startup) app = web.Application() webhook_requests_handler = SimpleRequestHandler( dispatcher=dp, bot=bot, secret_token=config['webhook']['secret_token'] ) webhook_requests_handler.register(app, path=config['webhook']['path']) setup_application(app, dp, bot=bot) web.run_app(app, host='', port=443) if __name__ == '__main__': main()