mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 12:43:17 +03:00
OptiFine & UUID fix
Allows OptiFine properly install and for forge clients to launch in offline mode. Addresses #84
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 169 additions and 148 deletions
@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
const request = require('request')
const uuid = require('uuid').v1
const { v3 } = require('uuid')
let uuid
let api_url = 'https://authserver.mojang.com'
module.exports.getAuth = function (username, password, client_token = null) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!password) {
const user = {
access_token: uuid(),
client_token: client_token || uuid(),
uuid: uuid(),
access_token: uuid,
client_token: client_token || uuid,
name: username,
user_properties: '{}'
@ -23,9 +26,9 @@ module.exports.getAuth = function (username, password, client_token = null) {
name: 'Minecraft',
version: 1
username: username,
password: password,
clientToken: uuid(),
clientToken: uuid,
requestUser: true
@ -50,13 +53,13 @@ module.exports.getAuth = function (username, password, client_token = null) {
module.exports.validate = function (access_token, client_token) {
module.exports.validate = function (accessToken, clientToken) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const requestObject = {
url: api_url + '/validate',
json: {
accessToken: access_token,
clientToken: client_token
@ -74,8 +77,8 @@ module.exports.refreshAuth = function (accessToken, clientToken) {
const requestObject = {
url: api_url + '/refresh',
json: {
accessToken: accessToken,
clientToken: clientToken,
requestUser: true
@ -88,13 +91,13 @@ module.exports.refreshAuth = function (accessToken, clientToken) {
const userProfile = {
access_token: body.accessToken,
client_token: uuid(),
client_token: getUUID(body.selectedProfile.name),
uuid: body.selectedProfile.id,
name: body.selectedProfile.name,
user_properties: parsePropts(body.user.properties)
return resolve(userProfile)
@ -104,16 +107,16 @@ module.exports.invalidate = function (accessToken, clientToken) {
const requestObject = {
url: api_url + '/invalidate',
json: {
accessToken: accessToken,
clientToken: clientToken
request.post(requestObject, function (error, response, body) {
if (error) return reject(error)
if (!body) resolve(true)
else reject(body)
if (!body) return resolve(true)
else return reject(body)
@ -123,16 +126,16 @@ module.exports.signOut = function (username, password) {
const requestObject = {
url: api_url + '/signout',
json: {
username: username,
password: password
request.post(requestObject, function (error, response, body) {
if (error) return reject(error)
if (!body) resolve(true)
else reject(body)
if (!body) return resolve(true)
else return reject(body)
@ -156,3 +159,10 @@ function parsePropts (array) {
return '{}'
function getUUID (value) {
if (!uuid) {
uuid = v3(value, v3.DNS)
return uuid
@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ class Handler {
runInstaller (path) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const installer = child.exec(path)
installer.on('close', (code) => resolve())
installer.on('close', (code) => resolve(code))
@ -6,133 +6,144 @@ const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
class MCLCore extends EventEmitter {
async launch (options) {
this.options = { ...options }
this.options.root = path.resolve(this.options.root)
this.options.overrides = {
detached: true,
url: {
meta: 'https://launchermeta.mojang.com',
resource: 'https://resources.download.minecraft.net',
mavenForge: 'http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/',
defaultRepoForge: 'https://libraries.minecraft.net/',
fallbackMaven: 'https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=',
? this.options.overrides.url
: undefined
fw: {
baseUrl: 'https://github.com/ZekerZhayard/ForgeWrapper/releases/download/',
version: '1.5.5',
sh1: '566dfd60aacffaa02884614835f1151d36f1f985',
size: 34331,
? this.options.overrides.fw
: undefined
this.handler = new Handler(this)
const java = await this.handler.checkJava(this.options.javaPath || 'java')
if (!java.run) {
this.emit('debug', `[MCLC]: Couldn't start Minecraft due to: ${java.message}`)
this.emit('close', 1)
return null
await this.extractPackage()
if (this.options.installer) {
// So installers that create a profile in launcher_profiles.json can run without breaking.
const profilePath = path.join(this.options.root, 'launcher_profiles.json')
if (!fs.existsSync(profilePath)) { fs.writeFileSync(profilePath, JSON.stringify({}, null, 4)) }
await this.handler.runInstaller(this.options.installer)
const directory = this.options.overrides.directory || path.join(this.options.root, 'versions', this.options.version.custom ? this.options.version.custom : this.options.version.number)
this.options.directory = directory
const versionFile = await this.handler.getVersion()
const mcPath = this.options.overrides.minecraftJar || (this.options.version.custom
? path.join(this.options.root, 'versions', this.options.version.custom, `${this.options.version.custom}.jar`)
: path.join(directory, `${this.options.version.number}.jar`))
this.options.mcPath = mcPath
const nativePath = await this.handler.getNatives()
if (!fs.existsSync(mcPath)) {
this.emit('debug', '[MCLC]: Attempting to download Minecraft version jar')
await this.handler.getJar()
const modifyJson = await this.getModifyJson()
const args = []
let jvm = [
if (this.handler.getOS() === 'osx') {
if (parseInt(versionFile.id.split('.')[1]) > 12) jvm.push(await this.handler.getJVM())
} else jvm.push(await this.handler.getJVM())
if (this.options.customArgs) jvm = jvm.concat(this.options.customArgs)
if (this.options.overrides.logj4ConfigurationFile) {
// https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/4416199399693-Security-Vulnerability-in-Minecraft-Java-Edition
if (parseInt(versionFile.id.split('.')[1]) === 17) jvm.push('-Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true')
if (parseInt(versionFile.id.split('.')[1]) < 17) {
if (!jvm.find(arg => arg.includes('Dlog4j.configurationFile'))) {
const configPath = path.resolve(this.options.overrides.cwd || this.options.root)
const intVersion = parseInt(versionFile.id.split('.')[1])
if (intVersion >= 12) {
await this.handler.downloadAsync('https://launcher.mojang.com/v1/objects/02937d122c86ce73319ef9975b58896fc1b491d1/log4j2_112-116.xml',
configPath, 'log4j2_112-116.xml', true, 'log4j')
} else if (intVersion >= 7) {
await this.handler.downloadAsync('https://launcher.mojang.com/v1/objects/dd2b723346a8dcd48e7f4d245f6bf09e98db9696/log4j2_17-111.xml',
configPath, 'log4j2_17-111.xml', true, 'log4j')
try {
this.options = { ...options }
this.options.root = path.resolve(this.options.root)
this.options.overrides = {
detached: true,
url: {
meta: 'https://launchermeta.mojang.com',
resource: 'https://resources.download.minecraft.net',
mavenForge: 'http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/',
defaultRepoForge: 'https://libraries.minecraft.net/',
fallbackMaven: 'https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=',
? this.options.overrides.url
: undefined
fw: {
baseUrl: 'https://github.com/ZekerZhayard/ForgeWrapper/releases/download/',
version: '1.5.5',
sh1: '566dfd60aacffaa02884614835f1151d36f1f985',
size: 34331,
? this.options.overrides.fw
: undefined
this.handler = new Handler(this)
const java = await this.handler.checkJava(this.options.javaPath || 'java')
if (!java.run) {
this.emit('debug', `[MCLC]: Couldn't start Minecraft due to: ${java.message}`)
this.emit('close', 1)
return null
await this.extractPackage()
if (this.options.installer) {
// So installers that create a profile in launcher_profiles.json can run without breaking.
const profilePath = path.join(this.options.root, 'launcher_profiles.json')
if (!fs.existsSync(profilePath) || !JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(profilePath)).profiles) {
fs.writeFileSync(profilePath, JSON.stringify({ profiles: {} }, null, 4))
const code = await this.handler.runInstaller(this.options.installer)
if (!this.options.version.custom && code === 0) {
this.emit('debug', '[MCLC]: Installer successfully ran, but no custom version was provided')
this.emit('debug', `[MCLC]: Installer closed with code ${code}`)
const directory = this.options.overrides.directory || path.join(this.options.root, 'versions', this.options.version.custom ? this.options.version.custom : this.options.version.number)
this.options.directory = directory
const versionFile = await this.handler.getVersion()
const mcPath = this.options.overrides.minecraftJar || (this.options.version.custom
? path.join(this.options.root, 'versions', this.options.version.custom, `${this.options.version.custom}.jar`)
: path.join(directory, `${this.options.version.number}.jar`))
this.options.mcPath = mcPath
const nativePath = await this.handler.getNatives()
if (!fs.existsSync(mcPath)) {
this.emit('debug', '[MCLC]: Attempting to download Minecraft version jar')
await this.handler.getJar()
const modifyJson = await this.getModifyJson()
const args = []
let jvm = [
if (this.handler.getOS() === 'osx') {
if (parseInt(versionFile.id.split('.')[1]) > 12) jvm.push(await this.handler.getJVM())
} else jvm.push(await this.handler.getJVM())
if (this.options.customArgs) jvm = jvm.concat(this.options.customArgs)
if (this.options.overrides.logj4ConfigurationFile) {
// https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/4416199399693-Security-Vulnerability-in-Minecraft-Java-Edition
if (parseInt(versionFile.id.split('.')[1]) === 17) jvm.push('-Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true')
if (parseInt(versionFile.id.split('.')[1]) < 17) {
if (!jvm.find(arg => arg.includes('Dlog4j.configurationFile'))) {
const configPath = path.resolve(this.options.overrides.cwd || this.options.root)
const intVersion = parseInt(versionFile.id.split('.')[1])
if (intVersion >= 12) {
await this.handler.downloadAsync('https://launcher.mojang.com/v1/objects/02937d122c86ce73319ef9975b58896fc1b491d1/log4j2_112-116.xml',
configPath, 'log4j2_112-116.xml', true, 'log4j')
} else if (intVersion >= 7) {
await this.handler.downloadAsync('https://launcher.mojang.com/v1/objects/dd2b723346a8dcd48e7f4d245f6bf09e98db9696/log4j2_17-111.xml',
configPath, 'log4j2_17-111.xml', true, 'log4j')
const classes = this.options.overrides.classes || this.handler.cleanUp(await this.handler.getClasses(modifyJson))
const classPaths = ['-cp']
const separator = this.handler.getOS() === 'windows' ? ';' : ':'
this.emit('debug', `[MCLC]: Using ${separator} to separate class paths`)
// Handling launch arguments.
const file = modifyJson || versionFile
// So mods like fabric work.
const jar = fs.existsSync(mcPath)
? `${separator}${mcPath}`
: `${separator}${path.join(directory, `${this.options.version.number}.jar`)}`
classPaths.push(`${this.options.forge ? this.options.forge + separator : ''}${classes.join(separator)}${jar}`)
this.emit('debug', '[MCLC]: Attempting to download assets')
await this.handler.getAssets()
// Forge -> Custom -> Vanilla
const launchOptions = await this.handler.getLaunchOptions(modifyJson)
const launchArguments = args.concat(jvm, classPaths, launchOptions)
this.emit('arguments', launchArguments)
this.emit('debug', `[MCLC]: Launching with arguments ${launchArguments.join(' ')}`)
return this.startMinecraft(launchArguments)
} catch (e) {
this.emit('debug', `[MCLC]: Failed to start due to ${e}, closing...`)
return null
const classes = this.options.overrides.classes || this.handler.cleanUp(await this.handler.getClasses(modifyJson))
const classPaths = ['-cp']
const separator = this.handler.getOS() === 'windows' ? ';' : ':'
this.emit('debug', `[MCLC]: Using ${separator} to separate class paths`)
// Handling launch arguments.
const file = modifyJson || versionFile
// So mods like fabric work.
const jar = fs.existsSync(mcPath)
? `${separator}${mcPath}`
: `${separator}${path.join(directory, `${this.options.version.number}.jar`)}`
classPaths.push(`${this.options.forge ? this.options.forge + separator : ''}${classes.join(separator)}${jar}`)
this.emit('debug', '[MCLC]: Attempting to download assets')
await this.handler.getAssets()
// Forge -> Custom -> Vanilla
const launchOptions = await this.handler.getLaunchOptions(modifyJson)
const launchArguments = args.concat(jvm, classPaths, launchOptions)
this.emit('arguments', launchArguments)
this.emit('debug', `[MCLC]: Launching with arguments ${launchArguments.join(' ')}`)
return this.startMinecraft(launchArguments)
printVersion () {
Add table
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