const child = require('child_process') const path = require('path') const Handler = require('./handler') const fs = require('fs') const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter class MCLCore extends EventEmitter { async launch (options = this.options) { this.options = options this.options.root = path.resolve(this.options.root) this.options.overrides = { ...this.options.overrides, url: { meta: '', resource: '', mavenForge: '', defaultRepoForge: '', fallbackMaven: '', ...this.options.overrides ? this.options.overrides.url : undefined } } // ForgeWrapper fork that is maintained on a side repo ( this.options.forgeWrapper = { jar: path.join(__dirname, 'fw.jar'), version: '1.4.1-mclc' } this.handler = new Handler(this) if (fs.existsSync(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'package.json'))) { this.emit('debug', `[MCLC]: MCLC version ${JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'package.json'), { encoding: 'utf8' })).version}`) } else { this.emit('debug', '[MCLC]: Package JSON not found, skipping MCLC version check.') } const java = await this.handler.checkJava(this.options.javaPath || 'java') if (! { this.emit('debug', `[MCLC]: Couldn't start Minecraft due to: ${java.message}`) this.emit('close', 1) return null } if (!fs.existsSync(this.options.root)) { this.emit('debug', '[MCLC]: Attempting to create root folder') fs.mkdirSync(this.options.root) } if (this.options.clientPackage) { this.emit('debug', `[MCLC]: Extracting client package to ${this.options.root}`) await this.handler.extractPackage() } if (this.options.installer) { // So the forge installer can run without breaking :) const profilePath = path.join(this.options.root, 'launcher_profiles.json') if (!fs.existsSync(profilePath)) { fs.writeFileSync(profilePath, JSON.stringify({}, null, 4)) } await this.handler.runInstaller(this.options.installer) } const directory = || path.join(this.options.root, 'versions', this.options.version.number) = directory // Version JSON for the main launcher folder const versionFile = await this.handler.getVersion() const mcPath = this.options.overrides.minecraftJar || (this.options.version.custom ? path.join(this.options.root, 'versions', this.options.version.custom, `${this.options.version.custom}.jar`) : path.join(directory, `${this.options.version.number}.jar`)) const nativePath = await this.handler.getNatives() if (!fs.existsSync(mcPath)) { this.emit('debug', '[MCLC]: Attempting to download Minecraft version jar') await this.handler.getJar() } let forge = null let custom = null if (this.options.forge) { this.options.forge = path.resolve(this.options.forge) this.emit('debug', '[MCLC]: Detected Forge in options, getting dependencies') forge = await this.handler.getForgeDependenciesLegacy() if (forge === false) custom = await this.handler.getForgedWrapped() } if (this.options.version.custom || custom) { this.emit('debug', '[MCLC]: Detected custom in options, setting custom version file') custom = custom || JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(this.options.root, 'versions', this.options.version.custom, `${this.options.version.custom}.json`), { encoding: 'utf8' })) } const args = [] // Jvm let jvm = [ '-XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy', '-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow', '-Dfml.ignorePatchDiscrepancies=true', '-Dfml.ignoreInvalidMinecraftCertificates=true', `-Djava.library.path=${nativePath}`, `-Xmx${this.options.memory.max}M`, `-Xms${this.options.memory.min}M` ] if (this.handler.getOS() === 'osx') { if (parseInt('.')[1]) > 12) jvm.push(await this.handler.getJVM()) } else jvm.push(await this.handler.getJVM()) if (this.options.customArgs) jvm = jvm.concat(this.options.customArgs) const classes = this.options.overrides.classes || await Handler.cleanUp(await this.handler.getClasses(custom)) const classPaths = ['-cp'] const separator = this.handler.getOS() === 'windows' ? ';' : ':' this.emit('debug', `[MCLC]: Using ${separator} to separate class paths`) if (forge) { this.emit('debug', '[MCLC]: Setting Forge class paths') classPaths.push(`${path.resolve(this.options.forge)}${separator}${forge.paths.join(separator)}${separator}${classes.join(separator)}${separator}${mcPath}`) classPaths.push(forge.forge.mainClass) } else { const file = custom || versionFile // So mods like fabric work. const jar = fs.existsSync(mcPath) ? `${separator}${mcPath}` : `${separator}${path.join(directory, `${this.options.version.number}.jar`)}` classPaths.push(`${classes.join(separator)}${jar}`) classPaths.push(file.mainClass) } // Download version's assets this.emit('debug', '[MCLC]: Attempting to download assets') await this.handler.getAssets() // Launch options. Thank you Lyrus for the reformat <3 const modification = forge ? forge.forge : null || custom ? custom : null const launchOptions = await this.handler.getLaunchOptions(modification) const launchArguments = args.concat(jvm, classPaths, launchOptions) this.emit('arguments', launchArguments) this.emit('debug', `[MCLC]: Launching with arguments ${launchArguments.join(' ')}`) const minecraft = child.spawn(this.options.javaPath ? this.options.javaPath : 'java', launchArguments, { cwd: this.options.overrides.cwd || this.options.root }) minecraft.stdout.on('data', (data) => this.emit('data', data.toString('utf-8'))) minecraft.stderr.on('data', (data) => this.emit('data', data.toString('utf-8'))) minecraft.on('close', (code) => this.emit('close', code)) return minecraft } } module.exports = MCLCore