const fs = require('fs'); const shelljs = require('shelljs'); const path = require('path'); const request = require('request'); const unzip = require('extract-zip'); function downloadAsync (url, directory, name) { return new Promise(resolve => { shelljs.mkdir('-p', directory); const _request = request(url); _request.on('error', function(error) { console.log(error.message); resolve({ failed: true, asset: { url: url, directory: directory, name: name } }); }); const file = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(directory, name)); _request.pipe(file); file.once('finish', function() { console.log("Downloaded: " + name); resolve({failed: false, asset: null}); }); }); } module.exports.getVersion = function (version) { return new Promise(resolve => { const manifest = ""; request.get(manifest, function(error, response, body) { if (error) resolve(error); const parsed = JSON.parse(body); for (let desiredVersion in parsed.versions) { if(parsed.versions[desiredVersion].id === version) { request.get(parsed.versions[desiredVersion].url, function(error, response, body) { if (error) resolve(error); resolve(JSON.parse(body)); }); } } }); }); }; module.exports.getJar = function (version, number, directory) { return new Promise(async (resolve)=> { await downloadAsync(version.downloads.client.url, directory, `${number}.jar`); fs.writeFileSync(path.join(directory, `${number}.json`), JSON.stringify(version, null, 4)); resolve(); }); }; module.exports.getAssets = function (directory, version) { return new Promise(async(resolve) => { const assetsUrl = ''; const failed = []; if(!fs.existsSync(path.join(directory, 'assets', 'indexes', `${}.json`))) { await downloadAsync(version.assetIndex.url, path.join(directory, 'assets', 'indexes'), `${}.json`); } const index = require(path.join(directory, 'assets', 'indexes',`${}.json`)); for(const asset in index.objects) { const hash = index.objects[asset].hash; const subhash = hash.substring(0,2); const assetDirectory = path.join(directory, 'assets', 'objects', subhash); if(!fs.existsSync(path.join(assetDirectory, hash))) { const download = await downloadAsync(`${assetsUrl}/${subhash}/${hash}`, assetDirectory, hash); if(download.failed) failed.push(download.asset); } } // why do we have this? B/c sometimes minecraft's resource site times out! if(failed) { for (const fail of failed) await downloadAsync(fail.url,,; } resolve(); }); }; module.exports.getNatives = function (root, version, os) { return new Promise(async(resolve) => { const nativeDirectory = path.join(root, "natives", `${Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000000)}`); shelljs.mkdir('-p', nativeDirectory); const download = function (lib) { if (!lib.downloads.classifiers) return; const type = `natives-${os}`; const native = lib.downloads.classifiers[type]; if (native) { const name = native.path.split('/').pop(); await downloadAsync(native.url, nativeDirectory, name); unzip(`${path.join(nativeDirectory, name)}`, {dir: nativeDirectory},e => { shelljs.rm(path.join(nativeDirectory, name)); }) } }); await Promise.all(download); resolve(nativeDirectory); }); }; module.exports.getClasses = function (root, version) { return new Promise(async (resolve) => { const libs = []; const libraries = (_lib) => { if(!_lib.downloads.artifact) return; const libraryPath = _lib.downloads.artifact.path; const libraryUrl = _lib.downloads.artifact.url; const libraryDirectory = path.join(root, 'libraries', libraryPath); if(!fs.existsSync(libraryDirectory)) { let directory = libraryDirectory.split('\\'); const name = directory.pop(); directory = directory.join('\\'); await downloadAsync(libraryUrl, directory, name); } libs.push(libraryDirectory); }); await Promise.all(libraries); resolve(libs) }); }; module.exports.getLaunchOptions = function (version, options) { return new Promise(resolve => { let arguments = version.minecraftArguments ? version.minecraftArguments.split(' ') :; const fields = { '${auth_access_token}': options.authorization.access_token, '${auth_session}': options.authorization.access_token, '${auth_player_name}':, '${auth_uuid}': options.authorization.uuid, '${user_properties}': options.authorization.user_properties, '${user_type}': 'mojang', '${version_name}': options.version.number, '${assets_index_name}':, '${game_directory}': path.join(options.root), '${assets_root}': path.join(options.root, 'assets'), '${version_type}': options.version.type }; for (let index = 0; index < arguments.length; index++) { if (Object.keys(fields).includes(arguments[index])) { arguments[index] = fields[arguments[index]]; } } resolve(arguments); }); }; module.exports.getJVM = function (version, options) { return new Promise(resolve => { switch(options.os) { case "windows": { resolve("-XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump"); break; } case "osx": { resolve("-XstartOnFirstThread"); break; } case "linux": { resolve("-Xss1M"); break; } } }); };