Pierce 3f0ceae5b6 Change how authentication gets passed
I was making a launcher of my own, and I found it very hard to juggle with having the auth in the options since I needed to set the client events before I actaully had the users login. This will fix the issue i was running into!
2019-05-23 20:40:44 -04:00

122 lines
4.9 KiB

const child = require('child_process');
const path = require('path');
const handler = require('./handler');
const packager = require('./package');
const fs = require('fs');
const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
class MCLCore extends EventEmitter {
constructor(options) {
this.options = options;
this.handler = new handler(this);
this.pid = null;
async launch(authorization) {
if(!authorization) throw Error('No authorization to launch the client with!');
if({}.toString.call(authorization) === "[object Promise]") {
this.options.authorization = await authorization;
} else {
this.options.authorization = authorization
this.options.root = path.resolve(this.options.root);
if(!fs.existsSync(this.options.root)) {
this.emit('debug', '[MCLC]: Attempting to create root folder');
if(this.options.clientPackage) {
this.emit('debug', `[MCLC]: Extracting client package to ${this.options.root}`);
await packager.extractPackage(this.options.root, this.options.clientPackage);
const directory = path.join(this.options.root, 'versions', this.options.version.number);
this.options.directory = directory;
// Version JSON for the main launcher folder
const versionFile = await this.handler.getVersion();
const mcPath = this.options.version.custom ? path.join(this.options.root, 'versions', this.options.version.custom , `${this.options.version.custom}.jar`):
path.join(directory, `${this.options.version.number}.jar`);
const nativePath = await this.handler.getNatives();
if (!fs.existsSync(mcPath)) {
this.emit('debug', '[MCLC]: Attempting to download Minecraft version jar');
await this.handler.getJar();
let forge = null;
let custom = null;
if(this.options.forge) {
this.emit('debug', '[MCLC]: Detected Forge in options, getting dependencies');
forge = await this.handler.getForgeDependencies();
if(this.options.version.custom) {
this.emit('debug', '[MCLC]: Detected custom in options, setting custom version file');
custom = require(path.join(this.options.root, 'versions', this.options.version.custom, `${this.options.version.custom}.json`));
const args = [];
// Jvm
let jvm = [
jvm.push(await this.handler.getJVM());
if(this.options.customArgs) jvm = jvm.concat(this.options.customArgs);
const classes = await this.handler.getClasses();
let classPaths = ['-cp'];
const separator = this.options.os === "windows" ? ";" : ":";
this.emit('debug', `[MCLC]: Using ${separator} to separate class paths`);
if(forge) {
this.emit('debug', '[MCLC]: Setting Forge class paths');
classPaths.push(`${this.options.forge.path || this.options.forge}${separator}${forge.paths.join(separator)}${separator}${classes.join(separator)}${separator}${mcPath}`);
} else {
const file = custom || versionFile;
classPaths = await handler.cleanUp(classPaths);
// Download version's assets
this.emit('debug', '[MCLC]: Attempting to download assets');
await this.handler.getAssets();
// Launch options. Thank you Lyrus for the reformat <3
const modification = forge ? forge.forge : null || custom ? custom : null;
const launchOptions = await this.handler.getLaunchOptions(modification);
const launchArguments = args.concat(jvm, classPaths, launchOptions);
this.emit('arguments', launchArguments);
this.emit('debug', launchArguments.join(' '));
const minecraft = child.spawn(this.options.javaPath ? this.options.javaPath : 'java', launchArguments);
minecraft.stdout.on('data', (data) => this.emit('data', data));
minecraft.stderr.on('data', (data) => this.emit('error', data));
minecraft.on('close', (code) => this.emit('close', code));
this.pid = minecraft.pid;
async close() {
child.exec(`taskkill /PID ${this.pid}`, (err, out, error) => {return {err, out, error}})
async restart() {
await this.close();
await this.launch()
module.exports = MCLCore;