Creating *.REG-files from templates
Updated 2023-01-06 14:12:37 +03:00
A repository with my "recurse" projects
Updated 2023-01-06 14:05:31 +03:00
My Discord bot for scanning files and URLs on VirusTotal
Updated 2023-01-06 13:11:47 +03:00
My Discord bot, that allows you to download torrent-files from Russian trackers without VPN
Updated 2023-01-06 12:44:44 +03:00
My Discord bot, working with pictures
Updated 2023-01-06 12:43:56 +03:00
My Discord bot, that plays requested music in the specified voice channel
Updated 2023-01-06 12:42:45 +03:00
Season wallpaper script for Windows (VBS)
Updated 2023-01-06 12:16:03 +03:00
VBScript examples with explanation in comments (some kind of scripting guide)
Updated 2023-01-06 12:14:56 +03:00
APK, official examples and my programs on MobileBASIC
Updated 2023-01-06 12:05:21 +03:00