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// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package tls
import (
// Naming convention:
// Unsupported things are prefixed with "Fake"
// Things, supported by utls, but not crypto/tls' are prefixed with "utls"
// Supported things, that have changed their ID are prefixed with "Old"
// Supported but disabled things are prefixed with "Disabled". We will _enable_ them.
// TLS handshake message types.
const (
utlsTypeEncryptedExtensions uint8 = 8 // implemention incomplete by crypto/tls
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8879#section-7.2
utlsTypeCompressedCertificate uint8 = 25
// TLS
const (
extensionNextProtoNeg uint16 = 13172 // not IANA assigned. Removed by crypto/tls since Nov 2019
utlsExtensionPadding uint16 = 21
utlsExtensionCompressCertificate uint16 = 27 // https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8879#section-7.1
utlsExtensionApplicationSettings uint16 = 17513 // not IANA assigned
utlsFakeExtensionCustom uint16 = 1234 // not IANA assigned, for ALPS
utlsExtensionECH uint16 = 0xfe0d // draft-ietf-tls-esni-17
utlsExtensionECHOuterExtensions uint16 = 0xfd00 // draft-ietf-tls-esni-17
// extensions with 'fake' prefix break connection, if server echoes them back
fakeExtensionEncryptThenMAC uint16 = 22
fakeExtensionTokenBinding uint16 = 24
fakeExtensionDelegatedCredentials uint16 = 34
fakeExtensionPreSharedKey uint16 = 41
fakeOldExtensionChannelID uint16 = 30031 // not IANA assigned
fakeExtensionChannelID uint16 = 30032 // not IANA assigned
const (
OLD_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 = uint16(0xcc13)
OLD_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 = uint16(0xcc14)
DISABLED_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 = uint16(0x003d)
FAKE_OLD_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 = uint16(0xcc15) // we can try to craft these ciphersuites
FAKE_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 = uint16(0x009e) // from existing pieces, if needed
FAKE_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA = uint16(0x0033)
FAKE_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA = uint16(0x0039)
FAKE_TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 = uint16(0x0004)
FAKE_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 = uint16(0x009f)
FAKE_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA = uint16(0x0032)
FAKE_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 = uint16(0x006b)
FAKE_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 = uint16(0x0067)
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.security.tlsciphersuite?view=netcore-3.1
const (
CurveSECP256R1 CurveID = 0x0017
CurveSECP384R1 CurveID = 0x0018
CurveSECP521R1 CurveID = 0x0019
CurveX25519 CurveID = 0x001d
FakeCurveFFDHE2048 CurveID = 0x0100
FakeCurveFFDHE3072 CurveID = 0x0101
FakeCurveFFDHE4096 CurveID = 0x0102
FakeCurveFFDHE6144 CurveID = 0x0103
FakeCurveFFDHE8192 CurveID = 0x0104
const (
X25519Kyber768Draft00 CurveID = 0x6399
FakeCurveX25519Kyber512Draft00 CurveID = 0xfe30
FakeCurveX25519Kyber768Draft00Old CurveID = 0xfe31
FakeCurveP256Kyber768Draft00 CurveID = 0xfe32
X25519Kyber512Draft00 CurveID = FakeCurveX25519Kyber512Draft00
X25519Kyber768Draft00Old CurveID = FakeCurveX25519Kyber768Draft00Old
P256Kyber768Draft00 CurveID = FakeCurveP256Kyber768Draft00
// Other things
const (
fakeRecordSizeLimit uint16 = 0x001c
// newest signatures
var (
FakePKCS1WithSHA224 SignatureScheme = 0x0301
FakeECDSAWithSHA224 SignatureScheme = 0x0303
FakeSHA1WithDSA SignatureScheme = 0x0202
FakeSHA256WithDSA SignatureScheme = 0x0402
// fakeEd25519 = SignatureAndHash{0x08, 0x07}
// fakeEd448 = SignatureAndHash{0x08, 0x08}
// fake curves(groups)
var (
FakeFFDHE2048 = uint16(0x0100)
FakeFFDHE3072 = uint16(0x0101)
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-tls-certificate-compression-04
type CertCompressionAlgo uint16
const (
CertCompressionZlib CertCompressionAlgo = 0x0001
CertCompressionBrotli CertCompressionAlgo = 0x0002
CertCompressionZstd CertCompressionAlgo = 0x0003
const (
PskModePlain uint8 = pskModePlain
PskModeDHE uint8 = pskModeDHE
type ClientHelloID struct {
Client string
// Version specifies version of a mimicked clients (e.g. browsers).
// Not used in randomized, custom handshake, and default Go.
Version string
// Seed is only used for randomized fingerprints to seed PRNG.
// Must not be modified once set.
Seed *PRNGSeed
// Weights are only used for randomized fingerprints in func
// generateRandomizedSpec(). Must not be modified once set.
Weights *Weights
func (p *ClientHelloID) Str() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", p.Client, p.Version)
func (p *ClientHelloID) IsSet() bool {
return (p.Client == "") && (p.Version == "")
const (
// clients
helloGolang = "Golang"
helloRandomized = "Randomized"
helloRandomizedALPN = "Randomized-ALPN"
helloRandomizedNoALPN = "Randomized-NoALPN"
helloCustom = "Custom"
helloFirefox = "Firefox"
helloChrome = "Chrome"
helloIOS = "iOS"
helloAndroid = "Android"
helloEdge = "Edge"
helloSafari = "Safari"
hello360 = "360Browser"
helloQQ = "QQBrowser"
// versions
helloAutoVers = "0"
type ClientHelloSpec struct {
CipherSuites []uint16 // nil => default
CompressionMethods []uint8 // nil => no compression
Extensions []TLSExtension // nil => no extensions
TLSVersMin uint16 // [1.0-1.3] default: parse from .Extensions, if SupportedVersions ext is not present => 1.0
TLSVersMax uint16 // [1.2-1.3] default: parse from .Extensions, if SupportedVersions ext is not present => 1.2
// GreaseStyle: currently only random
// sessionID may or may not depend on ticket; nil => random
GetSessionID func(ticket []byte) [32]byte
// TLSFingerprintLink string // ?? link to tlsfingerprint.io for informational purposes
// ReadCipherSuites is a helper function to construct a list of cipher suites from
// a []byte into []uint16.
// example: []byte{0x13, 0x01, 0x13, 0x02, 0x13, 0x03} => []uint16{0x1301, 0x1302, 0x1303}
func (chs *ClientHelloSpec) ReadCipherSuites(b []byte) error {
cipherSuites := []uint16{}
s := cryptobyte.String(b)
for !s.Empty() {
var suite uint16
if !s.ReadUint16(&suite) {
return errors.New("unable to read ciphersuite")
cipherSuites = append(cipherSuites, unGREASEUint16(suite))
chs.CipherSuites = cipherSuites
return nil
// ReadCompressionMethods is a helper function to construct a list of compression
// methods from a []byte into []uint8.
func (chs *ClientHelloSpec) ReadCompressionMethods(compressionMethods []byte) error {
chs.CompressionMethods = compressionMethods
return nil
// ReadTLSExtensions is a helper function to construct a list of TLS extensions from
// a byte slice into []TLSExtension.
func (chs *ClientHelloSpec) ReadTLSExtensions(b []byte, allowBluntMimicry bool, realPSK bool) error {
extensions := cryptobyte.String(b)
for !extensions.Empty() {
var extension uint16
var extData cryptobyte.String
if !extensions.ReadUint16(&extension) {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to read extension ID")
if !extensions.ReadUint16LengthPrefixed(&extData) {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to read data for extension %x", extension)
ext := ExtensionFromID(extension)
extWriter, ok := ext.(TLSExtensionWriter)
if ext != nil && ok { // known extension and implements TLSExtensionWriter properly
switch extension {
case extensionPreSharedKey:
// PSK extension, need to see if we do real or fake PSK
if realPSK {
extWriter = &UtlsPreSharedKeyExtension{}
} else {
extWriter = &FakePreSharedKeyExtension{}
case extensionSupportedVersions:
chs.TLSVersMin = 0
chs.TLSVersMax = 0
if _, err := extWriter.Write(extData); err != nil {
return err
chs.Extensions = append(chs.Extensions, extWriter)
} else {
if allowBluntMimicry {
chs.Extensions = append(chs.Extensions, &GenericExtension{extension, extData})
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported extension %d", extension)
return nil
func (chs *ClientHelloSpec) AlwaysAddPadding() {
alreadyHasPadding := false
for idx, ext := range chs.Extensions {
if _, ok := ext.(*UtlsPaddingExtension); ok {
alreadyHasPadding = true
if _, ok := ext.(PreSharedKeyExtension); ok {
alreadyHasPadding = true // PSK must be last, so we can't append padding after it
// instead we will insert padding before PSK
chs.Extensions = append(chs.Extensions[:idx], append([]TLSExtension{&UtlsPaddingExtension{GetPaddingLen: BoringPaddingStyle}}, chs.Extensions[idx:]...)...)
if !alreadyHasPadding {
chs.Extensions = append(chs.Extensions, &UtlsPaddingExtension{GetPaddingLen: BoringPaddingStyle})
// Import TLS ClientHello data from client.tlsfingerprint.io:8443
// data is a map of []byte with following keys:
// - cipher_suites: [10, 10, 19, 1, 19, 2, 19, 3, 192, 43, 192, 47, 192, 44, 192, 48, 204, 169, 204, 168, 192, 19, 192, 20, 0, 156, 0, 157, 0, 47, 0, 53]
// - compression_methods: [0] => null
// - extensions: [10, 10, 255, 1, 0, 45, 0, 35, 0, 16, 68, 105, 0, 11, 0, 43, 0, 18, 0, 13, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 27, 0, 5, 0, 51, 0, 23, 10, 10, 0, 21]
// - pt_fmts (ec_point_formats): [1, 0] => len: 1, content: 0x00
// - sig_algs (signature_algorithms): [0, 16, 4, 3, 8, 4, 4, 1, 5, 3, 8, 5, 5, 1, 8, 6, 6, 1] => len: 16, content: 0x0403, 0x0804, 0x0401, 0x0503, 0x0805, 0x0501, 0x0806, 0x0601
// - supported_versions: [10, 10, 3, 4, 3, 3] => 0x0a0a, 0x0304, 0x0303 (GREASE, TLS 1.3, TLS 1.2)
// - curves (named_groups, supported_groups): [0, 8, 10, 10, 0, 29, 0, 23, 0, 24] => len: 8, content: GREASE, 0x001d, 0x0017, 0x0018
// - alpn: [0, 12, 2, 104, 50, 8, 104, 116, 116, 112, 47, 49, 46, 49] => len: 12, content: h2, http/1.1
// - key_share: [10, 10, 0, 1, 0, 29, 0, 32] => {group: 0x0a0a, len:1}, {group: 0x001d, len:32}
// - psk_key_exchange_modes: [1] => psk_dhe_ke(0x01)
// - cert_compression_algs: [2, 0, 2] => brotli (0x0002)
// - record_size_limit: [0, 255] => 255
// TLSVersMin/TLSVersMax are set to 0 if supported_versions is present.
// To prevent conflict, they should be set manually if needed BEFORE calling this function.
func (chs *ClientHelloSpec) ImportTLSClientHello(data map[string][]byte) error {
var tlsExtensionTypes []uint16
var err error
if data["cipher_suites"] == nil {
return errors.New("cipher_suites is required")
chs.CipherSuites, err = helper.Uint8to16(data["cipher_suites"])
if err != nil {
return err
if data["compression_methods"] == nil {
return errors.New("compression_methods is required")
chs.CompressionMethods = data["compression_methods"]
if data["extensions"] == nil {
return errors.New("extensions is required")
tlsExtensionTypes, err = helper.Uint8to16(data["extensions"])
if err != nil {
return err
for _, extType := range tlsExtensionTypes {
extension := ExtensionFromID(extType)
extWriter, ok := extension.(TLSExtensionWriter)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported extension %d", extType)
if extension == nil || !ok {
log.Printf("[Warning] Unsupported extension %d added as a &GenericExtension without Data", extType)
chs.Extensions = append(chs.Extensions, &GenericExtension{extType, []byte{}})
} else {
switch extType {
case extensionSupportedPoints:
if data["pt_fmts"] == nil {
return errors.New("pt_fmts is required")
_, err = extWriter.Write(data["pt_fmts"])
if err != nil {
return err
case extensionSignatureAlgorithms:
if data["sig_algs"] == nil {
return errors.New("sig_algs is required")
_, err = extWriter.Write(data["sig_algs"])
if err != nil {
return err
case extensionSupportedVersions:
chs.TLSVersMin = 0
chs.TLSVersMax = 0
if data["supported_versions"] == nil {
return errors.New("supported_versions is required")
// need to add uint8 length prefix
fixedData := make([]byte, len(data["supported_versions"])+1)
fixedData[0] = uint8(len(data["supported_versions"]) & 0xff)
copy(fixedData[1:], data["supported_versions"])
_, err = extWriter.Write(fixedData)
if err != nil {
return err
case extensionSupportedCurves:
if data["curves"] == nil {
return errors.New("curves is required")
_, err = extWriter.Write(data["curves"])
if err != nil {
return err
case extensionALPN:
if data["alpn"] == nil {
return errors.New("alpn is required")
_, err = extWriter.Write(data["alpn"])
if err != nil {
return err
case extensionKeyShare:
if data["key_share"] == nil {
return errors.New("key_share is required")
// need to add (zero) data per each key share, [10, 10, 0, 1] => [10, 10, 0, 1, 0]
fixedData := make([]byte, 0)
for i := 0; i < len(data["key_share"]); i += 4 {
fixedData = append(fixedData, data["key_share"][i:i+4]...)
for j := 0; j < int(data["key_share"][i+3]); j++ {
fixedData = append(fixedData, 0)
// add uint16 length prefix
fixedData = append([]byte{uint8(len(fixedData) >> 8), uint8(len(fixedData) & 0xff)}, fixedData...)
_, err = extWriter.Write(fixedData)
if err != nil {
return err
case extensionPSKModes:
if data["psk_key_exchange_modes"] == nil {
return errors.New("psk_key_exchange_modes is required")
// need to add uint8 length prefix
fixedData := make([]byte, len(data["psk_key_exchange_modes"])+1)
fixedData[0] = uint8(len(data["psk_key_exchange_modes"]) & 0xff)
copy(fixedData[1:], data["psk_key_exchange_modes"])
_, err = extWriter.Write(fixedData)
if err != nil {
return err
case utlsExtensionCompressCertificate:
if data["cert_compression_algs"] == nil {
return errors.New("cert_compression_algs is required")
// need to add uint8 length prefix
fixedData := make([]byte, len(data["cert_compression_algs"])+1)
fixedData[0] = uint8(len(data["cert_compression_algs"]) & 0xff)
copy(fixedData[1:], data["cert_compression_algs"])
_, err = extWriter.Write(fixedData)
if err != nil {
return err
case fakeRecordSizeLimit:
if data["record_size_limit"] == nil {
return errors.New("record_size_limit is required")
_, err = extWriter.Write(data["record_size_limit"]) // uint16 as []byte
if err != nil {
return err
case utlsExtensionApplicationSettings:
// TODO: tlsfingerprint.io should record/provide application settings data
extWriter.(*ApplicationSettingsExtension).SupportedProtocols = []string{"h2"}
case extensionPreSharedKey:
log.Printf("[Warning] PSK extension added without data")
if !isGREASEUint16(extType) {
log.Printf("[Warning] extension %d added without data", extType)
} /*else {
log.Printf("[Warning] GREASE extension added but ID/Data discarded. They will be automatically re-GREASEd on ApplyPreset() call.")
chs.Extensions = append(chs.Extensions, extWriter)
return nil
// ImportTLSClientHelloFromJSON imports ClientHelloSpec from JSON data from client.tlsfingerprint.io format
// It calls ImportTLSClientHello internally after unmarshaling JSON data into map[string][]byte
func (chs *ClientHelloSpec) ImportTLSClientHelloFromJSON(jsonB []byte) error {
var data map[string][]byte
err := json.Unmarshal(jsonB, &data)
if err != nil {
return err
return chs.ImportTLSClientHello(data)
// FromRaw converts a ClientHello message in the form of raw bytes into a ClientHelloSpec.
// ctrlFlags: []bool{bluntMimicry, realPSK}
func (chs *ClientHelloSpec) FromRaw(raw []byte, ctrlFlags ...bool) error {
if chs == nil {
return errors.New("cannot unmarshal into nil ClientHelloSpec")
var bluntMimicry = false
var realPSK = false
if len(ctrlFlags) > 0 {
bluntMimicry = ctrlFlags[0]
if len(ctrlFlags) > 1 {
realPSK = ctrlFlags[1]
*chs = ClientHelloSpec{} // reset
s := cryptobyte.String(raw)
var contentType uint8
var recordVersion uint16
if !s.ReadUint8(&contentType) || // record type
!s.ReadUint16(&recordVersion) || !s.Skip(2) { // record version and length
return errors.New("unable to read record type, version, and length")
if recordType(contentType) != recordTypeHandshake {
return errors.New("record is not a handshake")
var handshakeVersion uint16
var handshakeType uint8
if !s.ReadUint8(&handshakeType) || !s.Skip(3) || // message type and 3 byte length
!s.ReadUint16(&handshakeVersion) || !s.Skip(32) { // 32 byte random
return errors.New("unable to read handshake message type, length, and random")
if handshakeType != typeClientHello {
return errors.New("handshake message is not a ClientHello")
chs.TLSVersMin = recordVersion
chs.TLSVersMax = handshakeVersion
var ignoredSessionID cryptobyte.String
if !s.ReadUint8LengthPrefixed(&ignoredSessionID) {
return errors.New("unable to read session id")
// CipherSuites
var cipherSuitesBytes cryptobyte.String
if !s.ReadUint16LengthPrefixed(&cipherSuitesBytes) {
return errors.New("unable to read ciphersuites")
if err := chs.ReadCipherSuites(cipherSuitesBytes); err != nil {
return err
// CompressionMethods
var compressionMethods cryptobyte.String
if !s.ReadUint8LengthPrefixed(&compressionMethods) {
return errors.New("unable to read compression methods")
if err := chs.ReadCompressionMethods(compressionMethods); err != nil {
return err
if s.Empty() {
// Extensions are optional
return nil
var extensions cryptobyte.String
if !s.ReadUint16LengthPrefixed(&extensions) {
return errors.New("unable to read extensions data")
if err := chs.ReadTLSExtensions(extensions, bluntMimicry, realPSK); err != nil {
return err
// if extension list includes padding, we update the padding-to-len according to
// the raw ClientHello length
for _, ext := range chs.Extensions {
if _, ok := ext.(*UtlsPaddingExtension); ok {
ext.(*UtlsPaddingExtension).GetPaddingLen = AlwaysPadToLen(len(raw) - 5)
return nil
// UnmarshalJSON unmarshals a ClientHello message in the form of JSON into a ClientHelloSpec.
func (chs *ClientHelloSpec) UnmarshalJSON(jsonB []byte) error {
var chsju ClientHelloSpecJSONUnmarshaler
if err := json.Unmarshal(jsonB, &chsju); err != nil {
return err
*chs = chsju.ClientHelloSpec()
return nil
var (
// HelloGolang will use default "crypto/tls" handshake marshaling codepath, which WILL
// overwrite your changes to Hello(Config, Session are fine).
// You might want to call BuildHandshakeState() before applying any changes.
// UConn.Extensions will be completely ignored.
HelloGolang = ClientHelloID{helloGolang, helloAutoVers, nil, nil}
// HelloCustom will prepare ClientHello with empty uconn.Extensions so you can fill it with
// TLSExtensions manually or use ApplyPreset function
HelloCustom = ClientHelloID{helloCustom, helloAutoVers, nil, nil}
// HelloRandomized* randomly adds/reorders extensions, ciphersuites, etc.
HelloRandomized = ClientHelloID{helloRandomized, helloAutoVers, nil, nil}
HelloRandomizedALPN = ClientHelloID{helloRandomizedALPN, helloAutoVers, nil, nil}
HelloRandomizedNoALPN = ClientHelloID{helloRandomizedNoALPN, helloAutoVers, nil, nil}
// The rest will will parrot given browser.
HelloFirefox_Auto = HelloFirefox_120
HelloFirefox_55 = ClientHelloID{helloFirefox, "55", nil, nil}
HelloFirefox_56 = ClientHelloID{helloFirefox, "56", nil, nil}
HelloFirefox_63 = ClientHelloID{helloFirefox, "63", nil, nil}
HelloFirefox_65 = ClientHelloID{helloFirefox, "65", nil, nil}
HelloFirefox_99 = ClientHelloID{helloFirefox, "99", nil, nil}
HelloFirefox_102 = ClientHelloID{helloFirefox, "102", nil, nil}
HelloFirefox_105 = ClientHelloID{helloFirefox, "105", nil, nil}
HelloFirefox_120 = ClientHelloID{helloFirefox, "120", nil, nil}
HelloChrome_Auto = HelloChrome_131
HelloChrome_58 = ClientHelloID{helloChrome, "58", nil, nil}
HelloChrome_62 = ClientHelloID{helloChrome, "62", nil, nil}
HelloChrome_70 = ClientHelloID{helloChrome, "70", nil, nil}
HelloChrome_72 = ClientHelloID{helloChrome, "72", nil, nil}
HelloChrome_83 = ClientHelloID{helloChrome, "83", nil, nil}
HelloChrome_87 = ClientHelloID{helloChrome, "87", nil, nil}
HelloChrome_96 = ClientHelloID{helloChrome, "96", nil, nil}
HelloChrome_100 = ClientHelloID{helloChrome, "100", nil, nil}
HelloChrome_102 = ClientHelloID{helloChrome, "102", nil, nil}
HelloChrome_106_Shuffle = ClientHelloID{helloChrome, "106", nil, nil} // TLS Extension shuffler enabled starting from 106
// Chrome w/ PSK: Chrome start sending this ClientHello after doing TLS 1.3 handshake with the same server.
// Beta: PSK extension added. However, uTLS doesn't ship with full PSK support.
// Use at your own discretion.
HelloChrome_100_PSK = ClientHelloID{helloChrome, "100_PSK", nil, nil}
HelloChrome_112_PSK_Shuf = ClientHelloID{helloChrome, "112_PSK", nil, nil}
HelloChrome_114_Padding_PSK_Shuf = ClientHelloID{helloChrome, "114_PSK", nil, nil}
// Chrome w/ Post-Quantum Key Agreement
// Beta: PQ extension added. However, uTLS doesn't ship with full PQ support. Use at your own discretion.
HelloChrome_115_PQ = ClientHelloID{helloChrome, "115_PQ", nil, nil}
HelloChrome_115_PQ_PSK = ClientHelloID{helloChrome, "115_PQ_PSK", nil, nil}
// Chrome ECH
HelloChrome_120 = ClientHelloID{helloChrome, "120", nil, nil}
// Chrome w/ Post-Quantum Key Agreement and Encrypted ClientHello
HelloChrome_120_PQ = ClientHelloID{helloChrome, "120_PQ", nil, nil}
// Chrome w/ ML-KEM curve
HelloChrome_131 = ClientHelloID{helloChrome, "131", nil, nil}
HelloIOS_Auto = HelloIOS_14
HelloIOS_11_1 = ClientHelloID{helloIOS, "111", nil, nil} // legacy "111" means 11.1
HelloIOS_12_1 = ClientHelloID{helloIOS, "12.1", nil, nil}
HelloIOS_13 = ClientHelloID{helloIOS, "13", nil, nil}
HelloIOS_14 = ClientHelloID{helloIOS, "14", nil, nil}
HelloAndroid_11_OkHttp = ClientHelloID{helloAndroid, "11", nil, nil}
HelloEdge_Auto = HelloEdge_85 // HelloEdge_106 seems to be incompatible with this library
HelloEdge_85 = ClientHelloID{helloEdge, "85", nil, nil}
HelloEdge_106 = ClientHelloID{helloEdge, "106", nil, nil}
HelloSafari_Auto = HelloSafari_16_0
HelloSafari_16_0 = ClientHelloID{helloSafari, "16.0", nil, nil}
Hello360_Auto = Hello360_7_5 // Hello360_11_0 seems to be incompatible with this library
Hello360_7_5 = ClientHelloID{hello360, "7.5", nil, nil}
Hello360_11_0 = ClientHelloID{hello360, "11.0", nil, nil}
HelloQQ_Auto = HelloQQ_11_1
HelloQQ_11_1 = ClientHelloID{helloQQ, "11.1", nil, nil}
type Weights struct {
Extensions_Append_ALPN float64
TLSVersMax_Set_VersionTLS13 float64
CipherSuites_Remove_RandomCiphers float64
SigAndHashAlgos_Append_ECDSAWithSHA1 float64
SigAndHashAlgos_Append_ECDSAWithP521AndSHA512 float64
SigAndHashAlgos_Append_PSSWithSHA256 float64
SigAndHashAlgos_Append_PSSWithSHA384_PSSWithSHA512 float64
CurveIDs_Append_X25519 float64
CurveIDs_Append_CurveP521 float64
Extensions_Append_Padding float64
Extensions_Append_Status float64
Extensions_Append_SCT float64
Extensions_Append_Reneg float64
Extensions_Append_EMS float64
FirstKeyShare_Set_CurveP256 float64
Extensions_Append_ALPS float64
// Do not modify them directly as they may being used. If you
// want to use your custom weights, please make a copy first.
var DefaultWeights = Weights{
Extensions_Append_ALPN: 0.7,
TLSVersMax_Set_VersionTLS13: 0.4,
CipherSuites_Remove_RandomCiphers: 0.4,
SigAndHashAlgos_Append_ECDSAWithSHA1: 0.63,
SigAndHashAlgos_Append_ECDSAWithP521AndSHA512: 0.59,
SigAndHashAlgos_Append_PSSWithSHA256: 0.51,
SigAndHashAlgos_Append_PSSWithSHA384_PSSWithSHA512: 0.9,
CurveIDs_Append_X25519: 0.71,
CurveIDs_Append_CurveP521: 0.46,
Extensions_Append_Padding: 0.62,
Extensions_Append_Status: 0.74,
Extensions_Append_SCT: 0.46,
Extensions_Append_Reneg: 0.75,
Extensions_Append_EMS: 0.77,
FirstKeyShare_Set_CurveP256: 0.25,
Extensions_Append_ALPS: 0.33,
// based on spec's GreaseStyle, GREASE_PLACEHOLDER may be replaced by another GREASE value
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-tls-grease-01
func isGREASEUint16(v uint16) bool {
// First byte is same as second byte
// and lowest nibble is 0xa
return ((v >> 8) == v&0xff) && v&0xf == 0xa
func unGREASEUint16(v uint16) uint16 {
if isGREASEUint16(v) {
} else {
return v
// utlsMacSHA384 returns a SHA-384 based MAC. These are only supported in TLS 1.2
// so the given version is ignored.
func utlsMacSHA384(key []byte) hash.Hash {
return hmac.New(sha512.New384, key)
var utlsSupportedCipherSuites []*cipherSuite
func init() {
utlsSupportedCipherSuites = append(cipherSuites, []*cipherSuite{
{OLD_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256, 32, 0, 12, ecdheRSAKA,
suiteECDHE | suiteTLS12, nil, nil, aeadChaCha20Poly1305},
suiteECDHE | suiteECSign | suiteTLS12, nil, nil, aeadChaCha20Poly1305},
// EnableWeakCiphers allows utls connections to continue in some cases, when weak cipher was chosen.
// This provides better compatibility with servers on the web, but weakens security. Feel free
// to use this option if you establish additional secure connection inside of utls connection.
// This option does not change the shape of parrots (i.e. same ciphers will be offered either way).
// Must be called before establishing any connections.
func EnableWeakCiphers() {
utlsSupportedCipherSuites = append(cipherSuites, []*cipherSuite{
{DISABLED_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256, 32, 32, 16, rsaKA,
suiteTLS12, cipherAES, macSHA256, nil},
suiteECDHE | suiteECSign | suiteTLS12 | suiteSHA384, cipherAES, utlsMacSHA384, nil},
suiteECDHE | suiteTLS12 | suiteSHA384, cipherAES, utlsMacSHA384, nil},
func mapSlice[T any, U any](slice []T, transform func(T) U) []U {
newSlice := make([]U, 0, len(slice))
for _, t := range slice {
newSlice = append(newSlice, transform(t))
return newSlice
func panicOnNil(caller string, params ...any) {
for i, p := range params {
if p == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("tls: %s failed: the [%d] parameter is nil", caller, i))
func anyTrue[T any](slice []T, predicate func(i int, t *T) bool) bool {
for i := 0; i < len(slice); i++ {
if predicate(i, &slice[i]) {
return true
return false
func allTrue[T any](slice []T, predicate func(i int, t *T) bool) bool {
for i := 0; i < len(slice); i++ {
if !predicate(i, &slice[i]) {
return false
return true
func uAssert(condition bool, msg string) {
if !condition {
func sliceEq[T comparable](sliceA []T, sliceB []T) bool {
if len(sliceA) != len(sliceB) {
return false
for i := 0; i < len(sliceA); i++ {
if sliceA[i] != sliceB[i] {
return false
return true
type Initializable interface {
// IsInitialized returns a boolean indicating whether the extension has been initialized.
// If false is returned, utls will initialize the extension.
IsInitialized() bool