DarkCat09 · he/him
Custom SSG for dc09.ru: md -> html, gemtext
Updated 2025-02-07 20:48:24 +03:00
Custom builds of OpenJ9 and Piped in Docker
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How Arc90/Mozilla's Readability.js actually works
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Comparing speed of DNS clients
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Comparing sing-box and xray speed
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Telegram bot sending XKCD comic with caption on /xkcd id
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Updated 2024-10-18 21:13:38 +03:00
C program infinitely printing * to stdout that can be used as a shell in SSH sessions
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Unofficial Aternos API written in Python
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Online tool for calculating QR code mask providing graphical view
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[Unfinished] Universal alternative frontends with API inspired by whatever.social and txtdot
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Some useful parts of my real nginx setup on dc09.ru
Updated 2024-06-26 15:40:10 +03:00
Musical web UI for yt-dlp: downloads, adds ID3, parses Genius lyrics
Updated 2024-05-28 12:52:45 +03:00
[See musicdlp] Download and convert videos and music from YouTube, automatically add ID3 tags and lyrics
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Updated 2024-04-18 08:35:20 +03:00