
151 lines
3 KiB

<div align="center">
# Dalet
Markup language ecosystem сombining small file size, big number of possibilities for describing the interface and readability.
[Rust implementation](https://github.com/TxtDot/dalet-rs)
> Specification is not complete and very unstable.
## Concept
This is Daleth (high level language that compiles to Daletl).
# multilines
# (text) - input is trimmed with indent
# (~n text) - n is number of minimum spaces to add after trimming with indent
# for each line
# (# text) - input not modified
# tag syntax
# tag: text body
# tag (multiline text body)
# body text always trimmed
# tag { multiple tags body }
# Arguments
# tag[argument]
# Tags without body and argument also supported
meta[title]: Daleth syntax concept
meta[description]: This document describes Daleth syntax and some tags
h[1]: TxtDot revolution
p: TxtDot is a cool project
# If no tag is specified, then the 'el' tag is placed
This is element
# if no tag is specified but a '()' is present, then the 'p' tag is placed
# '\n' is deleted only in this format. If a break line is needed in a paragraph, use ' \n'.
Check Dalet too
This is one paragraph
( This is another paragraph )
# [ ] for argument
row[center] {
link[https://github.com/txtdot/txtdot]: Homepage
btn[https://example.com/donate] {
# tag without body
# {} for multiple objects
row {
h[2]: Features
ul {
Server-side page simplification
Media proxy
Image compression with Sharp
Rendering client-side apps (Vanilla, React, Vue, etc) with webder
Search with SearXNG
Handy API endpoints
No client JavaScript
Some kind of Material Design 3
Customization with plugins, see @txtdot/sdk and @txtdot/plugins
h[2]: Running
h[3]: Dev
# () for multiline strings, indent is automatically trimmed
code (
npm install
npm run dev
# (~n Text) n is number of minimum spaces
code[markdown] (~4
this is codeblock
# (# Text) Text after "(# " not modified
code[markdown] (# this is codeblock)
h[3]: Production
code (
npm install
npm run build
npm run start
h[3]: Docker
code: docker compose up -d
# Table has custom format if text used
# +| cells | - primary column
# | cells | - secondary column
# | Element | Description | - converts to
# tcol {
# Element
# Description
# }
table (
+| Tag | Description |
| h | Heading |
| p | Paragraph |
| img | Image |
| link | Link |
| btn | Button |
| ul | Unordered list |
| br | Line break |
+| quantity | 7 |